Author: Steve DuBois
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Heroes Work Here
The Miracle of Clover Creek Preserve
In the beginning … The open habitat space of Clover Creek Preserve began almost 14 billion years ago. According to popular belief, in the beginning, the universe was smaller than an atom. It exploded with a violent, colossal force which… Continue Reading
The Crowning Glory of Chamise Peak
Hiking to Chamise Peak is beautiful. But stepping onto the top of Chamise Peak, is like taking a step into Heaven. The picturesque view of Shasta Dam, Shasta Lake, and the majestic Mt. Shasta is absolutely gorgeous.
But first, you must get there. Continue Reading
The Historical Sacramento River Rail Trail
Once upon a time, there was copper mining in the Shasta Dam area north of Redding. In the early 1900s, trains provided services to the copper mining town of Coram and others. Well before Shasta Dam existed, the train tracks… Continue Reading
Diestelhorst Landing Trailhead – A Unique River Trail Experience
Trails along the Sacramento River are a gift. They give us beauty and tranquility. The river trail beginning at the Diestelhorst Landing Trailhead is especially unique. This north trail runs just short of a mile to the Harlan Trailhead entrance.… Continue Reading
South Diestelhorst Trailhead: To the Stress Ribbon Bridge and Back
The Sacramento River Trails provide a wealth of year-round scenic adventure. My pictures explore the south trail going west from the historic Diestelhorst Bridge to the Stress Ribbon Bridge near Keswick Dam, and then back to Diestelhorst Bridge. It’s a… Continue Reading
Now’s the Time to Enjoy Spring on the Sacramento River Trail
Spring is my favorite time of year. And this spring along the Sacramento River is rather unique, following the Carr Fire. The north trail, west of the Diestelhorst Bridge at the end of Harlan Drive, is the area I treasure… Continue Reading