What a Difference a School Makes

Editor’s note: Andrea Charroin wrote this letter to her son’s teacher. With her son’s permission she’s sharing it here with us today.

This time of year families are celebrating the graduation of their students from one of the several excellent schools in Shasta County, but I believe one school is often overlooked when we think of excellent education in Shasta County.

That school is Pioneer High School.

Pioneer High School is a true gift to students and families in our city. Often thought of as the “bad kid” school, or the school for future dropouts, Pioneer is everything many of our schools should aim to be.

Pioneer changes lives and improves our community through their exceptional programs that take students who have often been marginalized by their comprehensive school, and shows students that there is opportunity in education. Pioneer offers a chance, a hope for students to succeed, often for the first time. Pioneer provides support for students to grow in positive directions through their leadership program and positive role models for students.

Pioneer High School’s teachers and ALL staff are to be commended for the amazing work that they do.

Rex Charroin, a 2016 Pioneer High School graduate, public speaker and honor roll student.

Rex Charroin, a 2016 Pioneer High School graduate, public speaker, and Rotary Club of Redding Honor to Youth Award recipient.

Our son never truly fit in at any school. His experiences with success and a positive learning environment were never part of his school day. During his sophomore year he was asked to go to Pioneer High School. At first we hesitated to send him there because of our own misunderstanding of the school and the school’s mission.

My first impression while sitting in the office was WOW!!! Students were respectful, and EVERYONE in the office greeted us with an enthusiastic, Welcome to Pioneer. The principal, Mrs. Prigmore, took us around the campus and showed us the beautiful garden area and other school improvements. This school was incredible!

Pioneer High School gave our son a positive place to learn, opportunities to succeed in leadership, and wings to grow toward a life goal.

I am proud to say that my son graduated from Pioneer High School.

Pioneer High School is a true hidden gem of a school. I applaud all of the staff who truly want to make a difference in our community through education.

What a difference a school makes!

andrea-by-burkeAndrea R. Charroin is a teacher who also happens to be a trained baker. She was a pastry chef in San Francisco before she and her family moved to Redding where they created and operated Rene-Joule Patisserie in downtown Redding for three years. Andrea lives and works in Redding with her husband Westley, and their sons Rex and Fox.  To this day, Andrea is still asked about her outstandingly delicious marathon bars, orange twists and sourdough bread.

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