Back to Red for Shasta County! With Just Hours to Spare, State Pulls County From Purple Precipice

No putrid purple tier for Shasta County. Color us rosy red. Shasta County CEO Matt Pontes received a welcome phone call that broke the good news Friday night from Dr. Mark Ghaly, Secretary of the California Department of Public Health.… Continue Reading


Act 1: Supervisor Baugh Directs the Scene – Act 2: Sheriff, Protesters, Play Their Parts

By now you’ve heard of Tuesday’s tumultuous dust-up at the Shasta County Board of Supervisors meeting in Redding. There, in the hallway outside the chambers, a few dozen protesters raised a wild ruckus, complete with horns, bells, a full-on regulation-sounding… Continue Reading


Shasta County Board of Supervisors Approve Upcoming Draft of Specific Transactions & Use Tax Proposal

If sheer enthusiasm and willpower could grease the skids of the political process, supervisors Joe Chimenti, Les Baugh and Steve Morgan will ensure that the proposal for a specific transactions and use tax is signed, sealed and delivered to Shasta… Continue Reading