Dig This: Gardening in the Shade – Challenges and Opportunities

Here’s some good news about your shady backyard: You can grow some summertime crops, such as tomatoes, cucumbers and squashes, despite the lack of direct sunshine. Shade doesn’t have to prohibit you from growing lots of your own food. But… Continue Reading


Pink House Chronicles – The Garden: What Verbs Do for Design

Read Part 2 of “Pink House Chronicles – The Garden” here. So, exactly WHAT do you want to do in your garden? Obviously this relates closely to the Who part (see previous post). But it goes further. Think in terms… Continue Reading

Pink House Chronicles – The Garden: Who’s Invited to Your Space?

Read Part 1 of “Pink House Chronicles – The Garden” here. Gardens are made for people to use and enjoy. So the WHO part is real important. When I first meet the people who’ve asked me to design their exterior… Continue Reading


Pink House Chronicles – The Garden: Asking the Right Questions

For me, the Pink House Chronicles, Doni’s story of renovating a house that was built the same year of her birth, is a wonderfully appropriate story for someone re-building her own life. We all applaud what she is trying to… Continue Reading