Dig This: It Can’t Go On, Part 2

Global Climate Change is happening now, as we reach new highs in greenhouse gas emissions at 400 PPM of CO2.1  The Arctic ice cap which has stabilized our climate and ocean currents for several thousand years is disappearing.2  Ocean acidification from… Continue Reading


Dig This: Wayne Kessler Reviews “Cooked: A Natural History of Transformation”

COOKED: A NATURAL HISTORY OF TRANSFORMATION, author Michael Pollan, (Penguin Press: New York, 2013). Dig This … COOKED is another good read.  Michael Pollan has become a champion of the food movement.  Some of my other heroes include Wendell Berry, Barbara Kingsolver,… Continue Reading


Dig This: It Can’t Go On, Part 1

Our Founding Patriarchs understood the economically destructive and corrosive effects of foreign entanglements and war on freedom and democracy.1  President after president has warned about the special interests and the usurpation of power in our republic.2   Yet, we continue to… Continue Reading


Dig This: Food Choice in the Age of Synthetics

It has been my observation that most people usually make good choices when they have enough real information. But real information is sometimes elusive.  Like real food. Too often these days the ability to make good decisions is jeopardized by our reliance upon the… Continue Reading


Dig This: Why Are We Sooooo Dumb?

I recently attended the National Conference for Media Reform in Denver, Colorado. The four-day affair was exhilarating and valuable in many ways.  The single most remarkable thing about the conference was the intelligence, generosity and passion of the presenters and participants.  We… Continue Reading


Dig This: The Future Will Be (Is) Exciting

With all of the current problems and future possibilities we face, these are exciting times. Ironically, it’s also a time to be concerned with our survival. It’s more than just preserving our comfortable lifestyle; it’s human survival that’s at stake. … Continue Reading