Report: Coleman Hatchery Improvements Pose ‘No Significant Impact’

The Bureau of Reclamation and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service have released the Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact for the Coleman Barrier Weir Site Modifications Project. The Coleman National Fish Hatchery complex, on Battle Creek near… Continue Reading


Last Hurrah for Lake Red Bluff

The final days to enjoy Lake Red Bluff are getting closer with the last full day of the lake being Wednesday. In June, the gates of the Red Bluff Diversion Dam were lowered for the last time, allowing for two… Continue Reading


Happy Valley Grower: ‘Save Our Water, Rights, Way of Life’

By Nancy Cameron Shasta County Farm Bureau: I am writing on behalf of the agricultural producers of Happy Valley, a small rural community west of Anderson. We have just received notice that the Bureau of Reclamation will be cutting our… Continue Reading