Shasta County COVID-19 Situation Update for 5/20/2020

Total Confirmed Cases: 34
Confirmed Cases Today: 0

Total Tests to Date: 3400

In Isolation: 1
In Quarantine: 10
Total Deaths: 4

Negative Public / Private Lab Tests: 3366

Total Hospitalized (Current & Released): 8
Current Hospitalized: 0

Current Situation:

• Shasta County has no new positive cases today.

• The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Farmers to Families Food Box program is partnering with regional and local distributors, whose workforces have been significantly impacted by the closure of many restaurants, hotels and other food service entities, to purchase $3 billion in fresh produce, dairy, and meat and deliver boxes to Americans in need. Beginning May 26, the USDA, through the Farm Service Agency, will be accepting applications from agricultural producers who have suffered losses. Additional information and application forms can be found at

• As Shasta County gradually reopens for business, we can all do our part to stop the spread of COVID-19 by wearing a mask when in public. Cloth face coverings help reduce the spread of germs by preventing the release of droplets when someone speaks, coughs or sneezes. Remember, wearing a face covering is not a replacement for physical distancing, frequent hand washing, and staying home when sick. Your mask protects me, and my mask protects you. Together, we can stop the spread. For more information, including how to make your own cloth face covering, go to


Live maps:

Unified Command Agencies: Shasta County Health and Human Services Agency, CalFire, Shasta County Sheriff

Cooperating Agencies:
City of Redding
City of Anderson
City of Shasta Lake
Mercy Medical Center Redding
Shasta Regional Medical Center
Redding Rancheria Tribal Health Center
Shasta Community Health Center
Mountain Valleys Health Centers
Mayers Memorial Hospital District

Press Release

-from press release