City of Redding Allows Restaurants to Expand Table Service Into Outdoor Adjacent Areas

The City of Redding is providing temporary relief from permitting requirements for restaurants, bars, and breweries seeking to expand operations into outdoor areas in response to the COVID-19 emergency. The City is also working closely with the local Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Office to permit the expansion of alcoholic beverage service to outdoor areas with limited regulatory requirements.

As restaurants seek to re-open while limiting the spread of the COVID-19 virus, outdoor dining and seating service may be helpful in maintaining the social distancing measures required by public health officials while allowing local businesses to serve more customers.

Under the relaxed requirements, restaurants, bars, and breweries are allowed to expand table service into private parking areas and sidewalks adjacent to their building as long as access remains open for emergency doors, fire lanes, and pedestrian traffic.

Businesses interested in obtaining a permit for outdoor seating should email the Development Services department to request an application and site visit.

Please email: and include a contact name, business name, business address and phone number.

Additionally, businesses with current ABC licenses who wish to serve alcohol outside, must fill out the state mandated ABC application:

For more information on ABC regulatory relief policy visit:

For any other questions about the permitting process and requirements, please call Development Services at 225-4020.

Press Release

-from press release