South Diestelhorst Trailhead: To the Stress Ribbon Bridge and Back

The Sacramento River Trails provide a wealth of year-round scenic adventure. My pictures explore the south trail going west from the historic Diestelhorst Bridge to the Stress Ribbon Bridge near Keswick Dam, and then back to Diestelhorst Bridge.

It’s a little more than two miles one way. There’s plenty of shade in areas along the first mile as trees help protect us from direct rays of the sun. Vegetation untouched by the Carr Fire is nice and green, especially in those shaded areas. I spent so much time on the north trail this spring that I missed most of the plush, green beauty on the south river trail.

As we get closer to summer, yellow foxtails are already in bloom and in abundance. And keep in mind, that foxtails aren’t friendly to dogs. The dry spear grass can find multiple ways to enter your tail-wagging pet. So take caution when walking your four-legged loyal and lovable best friend.

At the 1-mile marker you’ll see where the Carr Fire stopped burning along the south side of the river when it came into Redding in July of 2018. And you’ll see a staircase going up the hillside there. About a quarter mile beyond that, you’ll come to a gravestone in memory of Christine Munro. A side trail passes the gravestone going straight to the river, with a nice little beach area along the riverbank where my dog Bodie and I have fun playing fetch in the water. It’s also a nice spot for reflection or to rest.

Go another quarter mile past the memorial gravestone and the view completely changes. The landscape opens up. There’s beauty, but no shade from that point to the Stress Ribbon Bridge. The south trail is open all the way to the Stress Ribbon Bridge, but is still closed from there to Keswick Dam due to the Carr Fire.

One of my pictures shows a stone structure just before you get to the Stress Ribbon Bridge. It’s a footbridge the Carr Fire burned out, but you can walk around it. Also, I tossed in a picture of a burned tree I wish they’d kept, along with some pictures I took on the trail of fog a few years ago.

You could see a homeless person along this trail at times. However, I’ve never encountered a problem. But, as with any trail, it’s good to always be aware of your surroundings.

Steve DuBois

For many years Steve DuBois has enjoyed taking photos of his dogs in interesting and unusual places. He created a photo book of his dogs especially for the children at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, where he donated several copies. He loves that the kids enjoy seeing his dogs photographed in unusual ways. Steve says his dogs have been his photographic inspiration and motivation, but sometimes he tries his hand at nature shots, such as the photos he captured of the north state’s 2017 flooding, published here on A News Cafe.com. Steve DuBois lives in Redding.

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