Whiskeytown National Recreation Area, in partnership with the Shasta Astronomy Club, will be holding a special star party to view the Perseid Meteor Shower on Friday, August 14, 2015. Several very knowledgeable and passionate amateur astronomers will be displaying meteorites and providing powerful telescopes to view what is often considered the most brilliant meteor shower of the year.
The event will commence shortly after sunset at Brandy Creek parking lot B. The parking area lights will be turned off to minimize light pollution and the beach will remain open from 8 pm until midnight. Visitors are encouraged to bring lounge chairs, beach towels, food, non-alcoholic drinks and extra clothing for the nighttime star party. A $10 seven-day pass is required and is available at the visitor center (open 10am to 4 pm) or through the fee envelope stations (exact change required) at the Visitor Center or the entrance to the Brandy Creek parking lot area.
Please note: All telescopes are privately owned and only available through the generosity of individuals from the Shasta Astronomy Club. Visitors should always practice proper telescope etiquette by never touching or looking through an eyepiece without the telescope operators’ permission, and being courteous to other visitors also waiting to view the night sky.
Call Park Ranger Matt Switzer at (530) 242-3454 for more information about this special event.
“Perseid meteor 2007” by Brocken Inaglory – Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons – https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Perseid_meteor_2007.jpg#/media/File:Perseid_meteor_2007.jpg