What: Community members and local health care providers are invited to attend the “Reaching Special Populations” presentation
When: Thursday (March 24) from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Where: Boggs Conference Center, 2420 Breslauer Way, Redding
Hosted by Shasta County Health and Human Services Agency, this free event will include information about Medi-Cal programs for the aged, blind and disabled, the Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy Program (HICAP), outreach efforts to increase access to healthcare and nutrition assistance, and much more.
“Many people are simply not aware of the programs available to them,” said Laura Scott, senior analyst for the Medi-Cal program. “We want people to come and learn about programs that will help them, or someone they know, live safer, healthier and more independent lives.”
In Shasta County, the need for services continues to rise as the unemployment rate remains firmly in the teens, Scott said. If your circumstances have changed and you need help, you can learn more at “Reaching Special Populations.”
To register for “Reaching Special Populations” or to request an agenda, call 229-8413 or e-mail achampe@co.shasta.ca.us. To learn more about the programs offered through the Health and Human Services Agency, visit www.shastahhsa.net. For HICAP services, visit www.cahealthadvocates.org.
-from press release