Slide Show: BLM’s Adopt a Wild Horse, Burro Program

Song: Encuentros
by DeAmalia

Shot at the Redding Rodeo Grounds: The BLM Wild Horse and Burro program. The animals are captured on the border of California and Nevada; they are wild Mustangs and burros that are then adopted out. The picture of Galen Todd from Litchfield shows him giving a yearling filly — an American Mustang — her first touch from a human hand. For more information, contact Bureau of Land Management Wild Horse and Burro Adoption Program at 1-866-4-Mustang or visit their site.

Photographer Paul Heath was born in West Lafayette, Ind., and moved to Redding in 1988. He likes photography, crowds and going places to meet new people. He is married and has two grown children.

Photographer Paul Heath

was born in West Lafayette, Ind., and moved to Redding in 1988. He likes photography, crowds and going places to meet new people. He is married and has two grown children.