Three months ago, Sally Marbry conceived the idea to transform a utilitarian electrical box in front of the Greyhound station in downtown Redding into a piece of public art. This 18-part series is a chronicle of her work and her observations of life on the corner of Pine and Butte.
Part 5: Hero at Work
August 5 Just cigarette butt extinguish marks this time. Where are all the cigarettes?
A traveler rambles about his once antique and hotel business, his white Corvette money pit, and on and ego on.
I meet Dave, one of our city’s street service keepers, who champions my cause. He is a graffiti remover extraordinaire, a street cleaner perfecto, a finder of all good things (like a cigarette container perhaps) and is great to have on your team.
August 6 Paint bronze edges as I talk to Dave. Trash can bash last night. Lids caved in. Glad anger was on the other side of the building. I must admit the street is looking better. Dave must be kicking people off early and cleaning. Talk to Tony (the manager) about bench possibilities.
Suitcases rolling, locals dropping off and picking up, the majestic buses launching.
To be continued…
Click here to find all the Greyhound Chronicles.
Visit Sally on September 12 on Pine and Butte as she reveals her electrical box turned masterpiece as part of September’s 2nd Saturday ArtHop.
Sally Marbry has shared her fine art, ceramics and sculpture skills as a teacher, product designer and interior designer. For the past year, Sally has been the host and writer of “Home Zone,” weekly on KLXR. She also chairs Viva Downtown Redding’s Design Committee, which spearheaded the public art and street beautification project. Reach Sally at