Cottonwood Toastmaster Cindi Freshour Captures Area Prize

Cindi Freshour of Cottonwood took first place at the Toastmasters Division C Competition in Willows October 1, 2011. With one year of Toastmasters experience Cindi has taken top honors at the club, area, and division level; competing against 13 other… Continue Reading


Do You Have Something to Say?

Then say it with style and confidence. Confidence. The ability to communicate, persuade and lead. The skill to tell one’s story, shape better tomorrows and point others in the same direction. These are the attributes of leaders, and not all… Continue Reading

Redding Toastmaster’s Holds Humorous Speech Contest

Redding Toastmaster’s Club Toast at Noon (TAN) is hosting an outrageously funny Humorous Speech Contest on Wednesday, August 17 from 11:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m. The group meets at Cal Trans on Riverside Drive in Redding, CA. If you’ve never been… Continue Reading