Beach Luau to Raise Money for Whiskeytown

What: Friends of Whiskeytown Annual Fundraiser “Brandy Creek Beach Luau” When: May 8, 5 p.m. Where: Brandy Creek The Friends of Whiskeytown (FOW) is raising funds at its Brandy Creek Beach Luau annual fundraiser to hire college students to build… Continue Reading


Take Mom to Tea Saturday at the MLK Center

What: Mother’s Day Tea at the Martin Luther King Jr. Multicultural Center When: May 8, 1 to 3 p.m. Where: 1815 Sheridan St. Cost: $5 donation for adults, lunch and entertainment provided. Sponsored by St. Marks M.B.C. For more information… Continue Reading

Stand Up Comic Aaron & Friends Perform May 8

What: Live Stand Up Comedy – Aaron & Friends When: May 8, 7:30 p.m. Where: State Theatre 333 Oak Street Red Bluff Cost: Advance $10/Door $12 Tickets available at M & M Ranch House; RB Grocery Outlet Stage Left Entertainment… Continue Reading