Shasta College Workshop on Residential Landscaping for Wildfire Safety

Shasta College, in collaboration with the University of California Master Gardner program, will host a workshop on mitigating residential landscaping fire hazards. The workshop will include information on new legislation, such as AB-38 and AB-3074, that targets defensible space around… Continue Reading


PHC, The Garden: Ask ‘Why’ and Watch Inspiration Bloom

“Why” is a word that begs an explanation. Like a seven-year-old.

* Why do you work all the time? Because …
* Why is it so hot? Because …
* Why are you building this garden?

Sometimes we explain things with stories. Think how … Continue Reading


Pink House Chronicles, The Garden: Don’t Get Burned – Ask ‘When’

This is an interesting question to ask while working through your landscape planning. It has to do with the time you will use your outdoor spaces.

First there are the DAILY whens, each with different attributes: cool mornings, hot afternoons. Design your space for … Continue Reading