CHP Thankful for Safe Drivers this Thanksgiving Holiday

It’s that time of the year to be thankful for many things in one’s life, and one of those things should be for the careful and defensive driving by family, friends and other motorists on the road. “Be patient and… Continue Reading


Teens Urged to Get Behind Safety, Before Getting Behind the Wheel

Today’s youth are tomorrow’s future, and we should make it our mission to do everything in our power to protect them on the road. For young drivers between the ages of 15-20 years old, traffic collisions are the leading cause… Continue Reading

CHP Reminds Motorists to Buckle Up

More than 96 percent of Californians buckle up before they hit the road. Although the golden state has among the highest seat belt compliance rate in the nation, the California Highway Patrol (CHP) would like to see 100 percent of… Continue Reading