Click It or Ticket Campaign Set to Kick Off May 18

Just ahead of Memorial Day, one of the busiest travel weekends of the year, the Redding Police Department and the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) is once again reminding motorists to Click It or Ticket. From May 18 to… Continue Reading

Shasta Avoid the Five Conducts Court Surveillance

As a result of a DUI arrest and conviction, most DUI offenders will have their privilege to drive in California suspended anywhere from 4 months to 3 years, or in cases of multiple DUI convictions even longer. In some cases,… Continue Reading

Avoid the Five Checkpoint Results

The Shasta County Avoid the Five DUI Task Force conducted a Driving Under the Influence/Driver License Checkpoint in the City of Shasta Lake on Sunday, August 17, 2014 in the evening hours. The checkpoint was on southbound Lake Boulevard, near… Continue Reading

Shasta County Avoid DUI Checkpoint Scheduled

The Shasta County Avoid the Five DUI Task Force will conduct a Driving Under the Influence/Driver License Checkpoint in the City of Shasta Lake on Sunday, August 17, 2014 in the evening hours. This checkpoint is part of the National… Continue Reading


Lead Up to Labor Day Brings DUI Crackdown to Shasta County

Labor Day weekend is coming up. For many Americans, that means an extra day off, backyard and beach barbecues, visiting friends and family, and the unofficial end of the summer season. Unfortunately, it also means a sharp increase in drunk-driving-related… Continue Reading

MADD Hosts Memorial Dedication Ceremony

On Wednesday, November 30, 2011 at six o’clock in the evening, the local chapter of Mother’s Against Drunk Driving (MADD) will host a memorial dedication ceremony and candlelight vigil to raise awareness of the legal consequences of drunk driving and… Continue Reading

CHP Reminds Motorists to Buckle Up

More than 96 percent of Californians buckle up before they hit the road. Although the golden state has among the highest seat belt compliance rate in the nation, the California Highway Patrol (CHP) would like to see 100 percent of… Continue Reading