Et in Arcadia, Libido

Upfront disclosure: Mei-lang and I had never heard of the Go-Go’s until we settled into seats G19 and G21 of Ashland’s outdoor Allen Elizabethan Theater. We opened our Playbills to learn that the new musical “Head Over Heels,” which is… Continue Reading


Reality Soap…

…That’s the new genre that Pulitzer-winning playwright Qiara Alegría Hudes has perfected in “The Happiest Song Plays Last,” the final installment of her trilogy about her Iraq vet cousin Elliot and his ongoing internet-enabled ties with his Puerto Rican family… Continue Reading

Tony & Cleo: Celebrity Come-Uppance

From the time you first meet them, cavorting together on a royal-sized bed, the thing you notice about Derrick Lee Weeden’s Marc Antony and Miriam Laube’s Cleopatra is their physical disparity. He’s enormous — by turns the hulking “triple pillar… Continue Reading


Oh, Dear! What Can the Meta Be?

In this, our Age of the Selfie, why shouldn’t the drama be as solipsistic as any other cultural artifact? Hence the proliferation, nowadays, of plays about players and playwrights. The Oregon Shakespeare Festival (OSF), ever in the vanguard, has served… Continue Reading

Night at the End of the Tunnel

In the five years since he’s moved to Ashland, director Christopher Liam Moore has distinguished himself bringing American modernist theater to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival (OSF). He’s made full use of the Bowmer Theater, OSF’s hi-tech proscenium stage, to project… Continue Reading

Ashland Season Off to a Steamy Start

Shakespeare’s “Taming of the Shrew” and Tennessee Williams’ “Streetcar Named Desire” at the Angus Bowmer Theater, Oregon Shakespeare Festival (OSF), Ashland. Nell Geisslinger, an eight year OSF veteran who virtually grew up in Ashland, is hotter than ever at  this year’s… Continue Reading

Ashland Mainstage: Lump It or Like It

“The Very Merry Wives of Windsor, Iowa,” and “As You Like It,” by William Shakespeare (with assistance) at The Elizabethan Theatre, Ashland, Oregon. This season, aside from the brooding historical pageant of “Henry V,” the Oregon Shakespeare Festival (OSF) has… Continue Reading


Provocative Ashland Theater: Shakespeare’s take on Sex, War and Politics

Oregon Shakespeare Festival (OSF), Ashland, presents two by The Bard: “Henry V” on the Elizabethan Stage and “Troilus and Cressida” at the New Theater. “War,” Carl von Clausewitz assures us, is just “politics by other means.” This may have been… Continue Reading


Reviewer Extraordinaire, Lincoln Kaye: Ashland Mash-ups

“Medea/Macbeth/Cinderella,” at the Angus Bowmer Theater, Oregon Shakespeare Festival (OSF), Ashland. Here’s one specially tailored for hard-core theater geeks. They were out in force and wildly appreciative at the show’s opening night in Ashland. Much of the audience seemed to… Continue Reading


Oregon Shakespeare Festival’s New Season is Director’s Last

ASHLAND, Ore. – It’s a bittersweet season for those behind the scenes at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. After 33 seasons as executive director, Paul Nicholson will be retiring when curtains close this fall. A replacement search is underway, with the… Continue Reading