California Outback Report: Smiles of the Forest Service – New Ranger Tours Modoc Plateau

There’s a new ranger in town up on the Modoc National Forest—at least temporarily. She is Danelle Harrison, acting forest supervisor—on loan from the Kaibab National Forest down near the Grand Canyon—which she promotes proudly with a Kaibab National Forest… Continue Reading


Car talk: Caltrans Collects Comments to Improve a High Desert Highway

Highway 395 runs along California’s eastern side—a backbone highway figuratively—and a lonely one, too. Not as lonely as Nevada’s Highway 50—the so-called “Loneliest Road in America,” but Highway 395 travels a route through country that is high desert and scrub,… Continue Reading


California Outback Report: Planting High Hopes – Alturas Garden Club Offers Seed Exchange, Starters for Optimistic Gardeners

There are three sources for drama: Man vs. himself, man vs. man and man vs. nature. In Modoc County folks who want to grow their own veggies, herbs and flowers—immediately have access to a bountiful crop of drama: Facing off… Continue Reading