Letter to the Editor: Supervisor Tim Garman Speaks Up. ‘We are in trouble.’

Supervisor Tim Garman confronts colleague District 1 Supervisor Kevin Crye for how Crye handled the ROV vote. Photo by Doni Chamberlain for A News Cafe

Editor’s note: District 2 Supervisor Tim Garman’s letter to the editor pertains to Wednesday’s decision by the majority of Shasta County Supervisors to bypass the appointment of Assistant Registrar of Voters/County clerk Joanna Francescut, and select former deputy district attorney Thomas Toller, an applicant who lacks any elections experience.


Unfortunately, we have done an injustice to the citizens of Shasta County. We bypassed the candidate with the most experience and instead gave the job to someone who has never worked a single day in the elections office. This has disaster written all over it, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see the state step in when it goes sideways.

This all could have been avoided by choosing the candidate with the best qualifications. Would you feel comfortable with a captain of a cruise ship being the pilot of your next cross-country flight? Would you feel better knowing the boat captain has previously volunteered to sit by the emergency exit on the plane? Who cares that he has never in his life entered the cockpit? At least there is comfort in knowing he paid attention to how the emergency doors work. This is pretty much what we have done with the ROV position.

We kicked the most experienced pilot out with 16 years of experience and hired the attorney who has no experience to fly our plane. We are in trouble, and now would be a good time to start saying those prayers.


Tim Garman
District 2 Shasta   Supervisor

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