If you think it’s fine and dandy for taxpayers to pay for the installation of a PacMan arcade machine in an elected official’s office, then District 1 Supervisor Kevin Crye is your guy.
If you see nothing wrong with a supervisor who wasted more than $1,400 of public money to fly to Minnesota to hobnob with crazed MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell — one of the country’s most unstable, politically polarizing characters — then District 1 Supervisor Kevin Crye is your guy.
If you think it’s a hoot to watch as our beloved Shasta County circles the drain and maintains first place as a national laughing stock while ding-dong Lindell boasts about his contact with his new Redding bff, then District 1 Supervisor Kevin Crye is your guy.
If you enjoy feeling hoodwinked and manipulated during town hall events that feature artfully dodged replies and even an audience member planted by the event’s host he pretended not to know, then District 1 Supervisor Kevin Crye is your guy.

Susan Taylor, selected by Crye as his CEO interview ad hoc community member, plays along with Crye during his town hall event as the two friends pretend to be strangers.
If five-alarm fire bells didn’t go off for you after watching Benjamin Nowain’s Breakdown that showed everything from a man’s historical financial failings to intimidation and verbal bullying toward a female candidate, then District 1 Supervisor Kevin Crye is your guy.
- Then-candidate Kevin Crye watches Erin Resner speak
- Then-candidate Kevin Crye stares ahead as Erin Resner speaks.
If you smelled nothing fishy about a candidate who lived in District 4 when he announced his desire to represent District 1; who even publicly claimed to have campaigned for the former District 1 supervisor (false), and then, when caught in the web of illegal residential deception, scrambled to move his family – kids, dog and all – from his wife’s District 4 dream house into a District 1 townhouse, then District 1 Supervisor Kevin Crye is your guy.
If you believe that dirty campaign tactics are hilarious, such as mailing thousands of libelous fliers that depict flies, rodents and roaches to voters that questioned his competitor’s business, then District 1 Supervisor Kevin Crye is your guy.
If you don’t find a shmaltzy overly produced video — Kevin Crye – The Inspiring Road to Victory — complete with dramatic background music, and carefully staged interviews with the supervisor (note the in-frame Ninja and “my favorite people call me daddy” signs) as egocentrically weird, then District 1 Supervisor Kevin Crye is your guy.
If discoveries about a supervisor’s fiscal fiascos — bankruptcies, liens, incomplete campaign finance information, and whatnot — don’t instill panic at the thought of him being entrusted with the public checkbook, then District 1 Supervisor Kevin Crye is the guy for you.
If you didn’t find it suspicious when a candidate flew — ostensibly just to “talk” — to visit son-of-a-billionaire Reverge Anselmo — whose money has arguably pushed Shasta County to the brink of destruction – then District 1 Supervisor Kevin Crye is the guy for you.

Connecticut son-of-a-billionaire Reverge Anselmo has donated more than $1 million to local conservative causes and candidates. Then-candidate Kevin Crye arranged to fly to Anselmo’s home for a one-on-one chat.
If you weren’t disgusted to watch an elderly combat veteran’s heartfelt presentation of military challenge coins to supervisors later shamelessly exploited by a self-aggrandizing supervisor as a talking-point segue, then District 1 Supervisor Kevin Crye is the guy for you.
If you’re not remotely curious about about what exactly happened during his taxpayer-funded visit with the MyPillow CEO; if you couldn’t care less when the Lindell-loving supervisor broke full-disclosure promises when he first said he’d tell all during his town hall meeting (but didn’t), and next said he’d explain everything during an “exclusive KRCR interview” (but didn’t), then District 1 Supervisor Kevin Crye is the guy for you.
If you can’t recognize a snow job when you see one, and believe a supervisor’s revisionist explanations about how his bad behaviors benefitted the county by allowing an infestation of irrational political outsiders to hold court inside our chambers, then District 1 Supervisor Kevin Crye is the guy for you.

Dist. 1 Supervisor Kevin Crye.
If you didn’t mind feeling duped for taking the bait about the supervisor’s so-called surprise at an upcoming board meeting, only to find out his surprise was a pair of MyPillow-CEO loving, Dominion-voting-machine-hating attorneys — Clint Curtis and Alexander Haberbush – who hogged precious public-comment time, then District 1 Supervisor Kevin Crye is the guy for you.
- Clint Curtis, a Mike-Lindell-connected attorney, invited by Kevin Crye, speaks at the Shasta County Board of Supervisors meeting.
- Ron and Patty Plumb, New California State leaders, pose with Crye’s guest Clint Curtis.
- Alexander Haberbush, a Mike Lindell-connected attorney and the guest of Kevin Crye, speaks during a Shasta County Board of Supervisors meeting.
If you’re tuned on watching uncouth men demean women, whether via sarcasm, interruptions and disdain toward female county colleagues, or via openly sexist objectivation and unabashed smarmy ogling of young women, then District 1 Supervisor Kevin Crye is your guy.

Former District 1 Supervisor candidate Erin Resner endures Crye’s lecture during his town hall event about how business people should do more to help the county.
If you think the chair of the county’s super majority is someone of sound mind; someone who presents logical reasons for canceling the county’s electronic voting system for the good of the county and her people, then District 1 Supervisor Kevin Crye is the guy for you.
If you cannot join forces with the strongest board member, a consistent voice of ethics and common sense who steadfastly warns her colleagues that their recklessness will surely destroy the county, then District 1 Supervisor Kevin Crye is the guy for you.
If your idea of an awesome elected leader is a braggadocios attention-whore who complains he must work so hard because his predecessors have done nothing for decades; someone who routinely steals credit where credit isn’t due, then District 1 Supervisor Kevin Crye is your guy.
If you don’t find it wildly ironic that the very supervisor who won his seat in a squeaker of an election with a 90-vote lead would suddenly join the board’s far-right stuper majority to ditch the county’s Dominion voting machines, then District 1 Supervisor Kevin Crye is the guy for you.
If you see nothing wrong with a supervisor whose judgement is so poor that he actually wanted a colossally controversial Shasta County CEO candidate who’s pledged allegiance to an extremist organization determined to divide California, then District 1 Supervisor Kevin Crye is the guy for you.

Rejected Shasta County CEO candidate Chriss Street shows “evidence” of the county’s financial failings during a KRCR interview.
Finally, if you’re comfortable with a chameleon-fleshed human wolf in sheep’s clothing, someone who campaigned as a non-political moderate team player, but who backflipped and revealed his true colors within his first month in office as an untruthful, duplicitous and destructive elected leader, then District 1 Supervisor Kevin Crye is certainly, absolutely the guy for you.
Maybe you’re among the growing number of outraged, enlightened Shasta County citizens — even those who swallowed the Kevin Crye campaign Kool-Aid — who’ve concluded that District 1 Supervisor Kevin Crye is not the guy for any of us.
There’s no shame to fall for charming, flimflam con artists who prey on good (but sometimes gullible) people. We are human, after all. Humans make mistakes.
All’s not lost. One good thing about mistakes is they offer learning experiences and second chances to make things right.
We have all the information we need about District 1 Supervisor Kevin Crye. We know what to do. Our hearts know the truth.
The truth is that in Crye’s three short months in office, he’s done more damage to Shasta County’s morale, reputation and fiscal stability than anyone could ever imagine.
The truth is that we the people of Shasta County deserve more from our elected officials. For starters, we deserve a refund of every crooked dime Crye spent of our money on his astoundingly inappropriate trip to see his MyPillow pal, plus every penny of taxpayer money he’s blown on everything from arcade-game installations to ergonomic evaluations.
The truth is that Kevin Crye’s “Inspiring Road to Victory” is actually a terrifying road to trickery; a mystery regarding how someone so inept, dishonest and self-centered could dupe so many of us.
The truth is that Kevin Crye has no business representing the good people of Shasta County.
Bye-bye Crye. Take your PacMan machine with you. Go play chicken with someone else’s county.
Clearly, District 1 Supervisor Kevin Crye is not our guy.
Editor’s note: The original version of this story reported the incorrect cost for county staff to install Supervisor Kevin Crye’s arcade machine. The correct amount the county paid to install Crye’s PacMan machine was Also, according to David Maung, Shasta County Public Information Officer, Crye did not initiate an ergonomics evaluation, but rather, the evaluation was arranged by staff in accordance with county guidelines and OSHA requirements. We regret the errors.
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