69 New Cases, Appointment-Only Clinic to be Held for Over-75s

Latest data from Shasta County Health & Human Services.

COVID-19 INCIDENT UPDATE: January 28, 2021
Statistics from January 27, 2021

Total Confirmed Cases: 10,281

Hospitalized in Shasta County: 37

In Isolation: 303 (estimate)

Active Cases: 340 (estimate)

Confirmed Cases Wednesday: 69

Currently in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU): 2

Available Regional ICU Capacity: 47.9%

Released from Isolation to Date: 9,803

Negative Tests Wednesday: 872

Number of Tests in the Past 14 Days (+ and -): 6,668

Total Tests: 138,075

Deaths: 138

• We had 69 cases Wednesday, including 30 men and 39 women:
– 6 children under age 13
– 4 teenagers
– 12 people in their 20s
– 11 people in their 30s
– 7 people in their 40s
– 8 people in their 50s
– 11 people in their 60s
– 2 people in their 70s
– 5 people in their 80s
– 2 people over age 89
– 1 person of unknown age

• Vaccine update:
– Who? People in Phase 1A (healthcare workers, long-term care facilities, workers in emergency
services) and people 75 and older. Vaccine supply is still extremely limited.
– How? Click the blue oval labeled “Tell me when it’s my turn” and complete the short survey. If you don’t have Internet access, call (530) 245-7890 to get on the list. Public Health will call or email you when they have an appointment available for you. It may be several weeks before you are contacted, so please do not call Public Health to check on your status.
– What about my second dose? We will have a mass vaccination clinic for people who need their second dose, including those who were vaccinated at Benton Airpark. Details will be confirmed next week.

• Public Health is using the information from the “Tell me when it’s my turn” survey (referenced in the bullet above) to schedule individuals for appointments at Public Health and Shasta Community Health Center. We will also hold an appointment-only mass vaccination clinic for ages 75+ on Saturday in Shasta Lake City. This clinic is open to people who received an email notification, and capacity was limited to ensure people do not have to wait in long lines. More clinics will be offered soon. We look forward to a time when we have plenty of supply so we can offer many easily accessible options for those who choose to be vaccinated.

Press Release

-from press release