First Invasive Aedes Mosquito Detected in Shasta County

The Shasta Mosquito and Vector Control District (SMVCD) detected an invasive (non-native) species of mosquito on Friday, August 14th, 2020. The Aedes aegypti, commonly known as the yellow fever mosquito, was found near a central Shasta County neighborhood west of Highway 273/Market St and north of Lake Boulevard. The California Department of Public Health confirmed the invasive species detection.

“We plan to do everything we can to eradicate this mosquito to protect our residents from the potential disease risk of these invasive mosquitoes,” said Peter Bonkrude, District Manager. “Currently, we only have found one female Aedes aegypti mosquito and we are trying to determine and limit the extent of the infestation.”

SMVCD utilizes a science-based, data-driven approach to mosquito control. This Integrated Vector Management approach will include immature surveillance and control, like door to door inspections, as well as adult surveillance and control, which will include ultra-low volume spraying, barrier treatments and a variety of live mosquito trapping.

The Aedes aegypti mosquito has been detected previously in other areas of California, but never in Shasta County. Aedes aegypti have the potential to transmit viruses such as chikungunya, dengue, yellow fever, and Zika, that are not known to be transmitted by our native mosquitoes.

The public plays a critical role in helping to control the spread of this mosquito population. “This
species is different than the ones we normally control, they prefer to live around people and breed in  small containers associated with homes. Eliminating all standing water regardless of size is essential to effective control,” says Peter Bonkrude.

Prevent Aedes aegypti development in your yard:

1. Inspect your yard for standing water sources and drain water that may have collected under
potted plants, in bird baths, discarded tires, and any other items that could collect water;
2. Check your rain gutters and lawn drains to make sure they aren’t holding water and debris;
3. Check and clean any new containers that you bring home that may contain water. Aedes
aegypti eggs can remain viable under dry conditions for months.

As with all mosquito issues, native and non-native, the Shasta Mosquito and Vector Control District staff urges residents to take precautions to avoid mosquito bites by implementing the 4 Ds of protection:

• Drain any standing water that may produce mosquitoes, this includes flowerpots, old tires, and
buckets. Some species of mosquitoes can lay their eggs in very small sources of water, like a
bottle cap.
• Defend yourself and your home by using an effective insect repellent and making sure screens
on doors and windows are in good condition.
• Dusk or Dawn, avoid outside activities.
• Dress in long sleeves and pants when mosquitoes are active.

For information about invasive mosquitoes in California –tps://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CID/DCDC/Pages/Aedes-aegypti-and-Aedes-albopictusmosquitoes.aspx
For more information about SMVCD’s services, invasive mosquitoes, West Nile virus, or new
emerging mosquito-borne diseases, contact the Shasta Mosquito and Vector Control District at (530) 365-3768 or visit www.ShastaMosquito.org

Press Release

-from press release

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