Shasta County COVID-19 Situation Update for 6/09/2020: 1 New Case

Total Confirmed Cases: 47
Confirmed Cases Today: 1

Total Tests to Date: 6003

In Isolation: 7
In Quarantine: 15
Total Deaths: 4

Negative Tests: 5956

Currently Hospitalized in Shasta County:
1 Shasta County resident

Current Situation:

• Shasta County has 1 new positive case: a man in his 60s who had no symptoms.

• Still wondering what is open? Find the updated list at, as well as guidance for each industry that helps business owners plan for a safe reopening. Click on “Roadmap to Recovery.”

• State public health directives still prohibit professional, social and community mass gatherings. Gatherings are defined as meetings or other events that bring together people from multiple households at the same time for a shared or group experience in a single room, space, or place such as an auditorium, stadium, arena, large conference room, meeting hall, or other indoor or outdoor space. They pose an especially high danger of transmission and spread of COVID-19. The exceptions are for faith-based services, cultural ceremonies and protests, and guidance for those activities is at

• Now that people are spending more time in public, we encourage everyone to get tested for COVID-19. If you have symptoms, contact your healthcare provider or call Shasta County Public Health at (530) 225-5591. If you don’t have symptoms, go to Appointments are required.


Live maps:

Unified Command Agencies: Shasta County Health and Human Services Agency, CalFire, Shasta County Sheriff

Cooperating Agencies:
City of Redding
City of Anderson
City of Shasta Lake
Mercy Medical Center Redding
Shasta Regional Medical Center
Redding Rancheria Tribal Health Center
Shasta Community Health Center
Mountain Valleys Health Centers
Mayers Memorial Hospital District

Press Release

-from press release