Turtle Bay School Gains Holistic Playground


Many volunteers gathered last weekend at Turtle Bay Elementary School under the guidance of Holistic Playgrounds Unlimited to transform the current kindergarten playground into a Holistic Playground for their Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten students. It is the first Holistic Playground in Shasta County.

We all know that play is so important to the growing child. However, how a child plays can be the catalyst for gaining new knowledge and vocabulary. It is a contributing factor in a child’s holistic wellness, as well. A Holistic Playground is essentially a painted play space on the blacktop of the playground.

The painted playground has more than 100 different activities that students can participate in that help to teach and challenge students’ cognitive and psycho-motor skills. On the Holistic Playground, students will find painted games to spur imaginative or sequential play.

For example, students will find footprints that thread through the play space. They will be challenged to step with the left foot on yellow and right foot on red. That game is just one of many that will engage the early learner. Included on the playground are paintings of a caterpillar, a rocket ship, a train, a turtle, a snail and a circus cart. The playground also has a painting of the life cycle of a chicken, which aligns the with Kindergarten Next Generation Science Standards for California Public Schools.

Everywhere the students look, they will find themes that scaffold ideas learned in class!

The project came into fruition through Turtle Bay’s Transitional Kindergarten teacher, and the Parent Club who helped to fund and organize the event. Supporting the project was Superintendent Rob Adams and Principal AJ Anderson. They rolled up their sleeves to help alongside many of the staff, their families, and parent volunteers, and local high school students to help transform this wonderful new space. What was most incredible was to watch the many talents of the volunteers who were free hand drawing and painting many of the murals and games on the ground! What a talented bunch of people!

Today, Turtle Bay School unveiled the new play space with a ribbon cutting ceremony led by Principal, AJ Anderson. The giggles, smiles and squeals of pure joy were worth each and every hour put into this project. Our students deserve the best environment to learn, grow and thrive. Turtle Bay Elementary School works hard to make that happen!

Press Release

-from press release

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