•At 70, I realized my life was ½ over.
•If you want a lovely tee shirt with the above statement, send $49.95, plus tax, plus shipping, plus handling … no substitutions.
•Charges for handling brings up an uncomfortable image so I’ll handle for free.
•Earlier I listened more than I talked…now the reverse. My first objective of the next 70 is to let my ears do more talking.
•I’ve developed my own style of rambling non-sequiturs…but I digress.
•I’ve been preparing for the second half…won the battles of weight and cigarettes.
… At somewhat of a stand-off (still) with alcohol.
•In all fairness, I shouldn’t have to repeat illnesses.
•I decided on a second 70 because I will be so much wiser…right.
•If you join me for a second 70, how will you use your added time? How many of us will simply repeat the first 70?
•I started today… no lists, no resolutions… just a simple attempt to earn the right to go on.
•What draws you to the refrigerator 3a.m.? In the first half of my first half, it was coconut cake and lemon pie. Lately it’s been an apple and yogurt…so maybe “drawn” isn’t the right word.
•I may have to do more reflecting without the mirror…both sides could use a break.
•Do these waders make me look fat? Rhetorical question? Is there such a thing?
…But I digress.
•Cherry is in for the next 35 … will re-assess at that point.
•I’m not allowed to watch the political “debates” anymore.
•The wires are hot…I place any two electrical appliances side by side, leave them unsupervised for a moment and the resulting entanglement of cords is unseemly and perhaps illegal in my birth state – Arkansas.
•When a poem is recited to make a point, I never get the point. Everyone around me nods wisely…I just nod.