A cast of four talented actors carry the show and captivate their Redding audiences during their outstanding performances of the Pulitzer-Prize winning, “Doubt, A Parable” – March 15 through April 5 – at the Riverfront Playhouse.
In this brilliant and powerful drama, Sister Aloysius, a Bronx school principal (played masterfully by Lisa Murphy Collins), takes matters into her own hands when she suspects the young Father Flynn (performed by the thoroughly convincing Christopher Glavan) of improper relations with one of the 12-year-old male students.
Young Sister James, played earnestly by Malonie Glavan, is believabley conflicted. Obioma U. Officer gives a smart, powerful performance of Mrs. Muller, the mother of the boy who may or may not have been victimized by Father Flynn.
The two-hour play goes by quickly, as the story builds steadily in emotion, complexity and intrigue until its gripping conclusion.
The original play won the 2005 Pulitzer Prize for Drama and a Tony Award for Best Play the same year. Click here for more story background.
Riverfront Playhouse presents, presents “Doubt, A Parable”
Weekends March 15 to April 5
Written by John Patrick Shanley
Directed by Samantha Fork
Friday s and Saturdays, 7:30 – March 21 & 22, March 27 & 28; April 4 & 5
Sundays- 2:00 p.m. – March 23 & March 29
Opening and closing nights -$22; Regular $17; Matinee – $15