September’s Seeds for a New Season & North State Calendar of Gardening Events

Photo: Oak leaves turning colors with the season.

The beginning signs of a change in seasons – such as the falling acorns of last week, always seem to precipitate a bout of nostalgia in me – a longing look back at what has been, a greedy impulse to hold tight and a vague reluctance to let go. Especially in the Autumn, when summer vegetables and flowers have bolted or gone to seed and are looking a little worse for wear, it’s a time of finishing up and saying goodbye.

Photo: Late summer sun light coming through the leaves of oracle oak.

But I’m an Autumn baby, and so while nostalgia is worth appreciating/learning from, I try to not let myself get stuck there for longer than need be. While the calendar year and in many ways the seasonal cycle of the growing season is winding down – for me autumn is a time of new beginnings, of personal new year’s resolutions and as such a time of simultaneously looking forward. Which is a good reminder for those of us prone to nostalgia of the philosophy (even though it’s generally delivered as platitude, but still) that every ending is beginning. And the rippling effects of all actions and reactions are still in motion no matter how final the results seem in this moment.

Photo: Ripe grapes on the home vine.

The yellowing of deciduous leaves, the softening lower slant of the afternoon sun and the ripening –seeds pods in the vegetable garden, the flower garden and the field all speak of change around the corner. Soon, they will be throwing their labors to the wind and the fall rains – to the universe itself – to see where they might land. Where they might find the conditions in which to eagerly start fresh – again. After all, the Autumn – for us in the North State – is the very best planting season.

Photo: Late summer hydrangea.

Tasks for September in the garden are varied – which is nice. The watering, weeding and dead-heading are slowing down as the growing season for many plants is slowing down and their energy is focused on seed production and after that on returning the summer’s spent energy to their root systems. The cutting back and feeding for the winter is underway. As leaves start to accumulate, remember that they make good mulch and can be stored as “mulch” on planting beds and then turned into the compost a little at a time over the winter as green waste accumulates more slowly now. And – Hurray! – as temperatures cool and the rains return (we hope in October) we are entering the very best planting window in our gardening year. In the vegetable garden, it’s a good time to seed or plant starts of garlic, onions, lettuces, hardy greens like bok choy, kale, chard and kohl rabi, broccoli, cauliflower, as well carrots and beets.

Photo: Early Autumn shelf fungi.

The calendar of North State Gardening Events in September is a time of finishing up as well as starting up. The garden clubs and plant societies are all back to regular monthly meetings for the fall season and there are wonderful opportunities for learning new skills, enjoying old ones, and socializing with plant-loving like-minded people. The On-line Calendar of North State Gardening Events at jewellgarden.com adds events throughout the month. I do my very best to keep the calendar up-to-date and accurate, please confirm all events with the event host. If you have an event you would like listed, or if you are aware of a mistake on the calendar, please send all pertinent information to: Jennifer@jewellgarden.com. Thanks!

Aug 31 – Redding: McConnell Arboretum & Botanical Gardens at Turtle Bay: Walk with Horticultural Manager Lisa Endicott 10:30 am. Bring your notebooks and camera! We’ll make our way through the Gardens with frequent stops for discussions about (what else?) plants! Free with Park or Garden admission. Meet at West Garden Entrance. Take N. Market Street, turn on Arboretum Drive. Take the right fork. Parking lot and entrance are on the left.

Photo: The tools of harvest.


Sept 1 – Chico: Mt. Lassen Chapter of the California Native Plant Society FIELD TRIP: EAGLE ROCK AND HUMBOLDT SUMMIT LASSEN NATIONAL FOREST 8:15 meet at Chico Park & Ride’s west lot (Hwys 32/99) in time to leave by 8:30 am. Wear sturdy shoes, bring lunch, water sun/insect protection, hiking gear, and money for ride-sharing. We will drive east 27 miles on Hwy 32, then 12 miles north on paved county road to the Butte Meadows area at Cherry Hill to check on the mini-fen where we stop to see some insect capturing pitcher plants, Darlingtonia. Lastly, we drive upward 4 miles over a gravel surfaced road to the Humboldt Summit at 6,664’ ele. From the summit there is a marvelous view of the huge Mt Yana caldera and see our lunch place on the north rim of our Carter Meadow trip. From here it is about 1 1/2 miles of mostly level trail through a pure stand of red firs to our destination and lunch stop, the picturesque Eagle Rocks. Cycladenia and rockfringe may still be out in their pink, full glory. On the return we can make a short side trip up to the top of Humboldt Peak at 7,087’ ele. Call leaders for an alternate meeting place. Leaders: Gerry Ingco 530- 893-5123, Wes Dempsey 530-342-2293. For more information see website at mountlassen.cnps.org

Sept 2 – LABOR DAY

Photo: Luminous red fruits of the native honeysuckle.

Sept 4 – Chico: Mt. Lassen Chapter of the California Native Plant Society regular Monthly Meeting: SUMMER MEMBER PHOTO SHOW & TELL 7:30 pm Chico Butte County Library. The main part of this program will be your really cool photos. That will consist of whatever nice plant-related images you’d like to share (they need not be “California natives”, but at least be about native plants and their habitats … maybe not your wine-tasting tour to Napa County, or your grandkids at Sea World). Please select about a dozen photos (5 or 8 minutes) and let Jim Bishop (cjbishop1991@sbcglobal.net) know that you have some slides to show – ahead of the meeting is very helpful – and whether they are conventional slides or digital images. If they are digital images, please note what kind of files you have (PowerPoint, JPEG, etc.) so that we can make sure the computer will actually show your pictures. You might have a few extra images in reserve in case we don’t get many contributors, and please be ready to trim down if we get a lot – this rather spontaneous program requires a little flexibility on the part of the presenters. Join us for our season-opening program, one that is al- ways worth seeing, as our members have some great pic- tures to share. And better yet, bring part of the show. Jim Bishop will also Present on the “leaves” of Bristlecone Pines, the oldest living trees. For more information see website at mountlassen.cnps.org

Sept 5 – Chico: North Valley Orchid Society Regular Member Meeting 7:00 pm, in the Conference room at the Chico branch of the Butte County Library located at 1108 Sherman Avenue, Chico . We are delighted to again host Mr. Dennis Olivas as our speaker who will give a special presentation on “Cymbidium Companions”. Prior to our meeting, we are going to go to dinner with Dennis at 5:00pm at the Sierra Nevada Taproom. If you would like to join us, please e-mail or call Judy by September 1 so we can make a reservation: jmccrary@digitalpath.net 589-1418. For additional information, contact Tricia Edelmann @ 891-4224.

Photo:The harvest preserved.

Sept 5 – Chico: Cultivating Community North Valley Workshop: The Medicinal & Culinary Power of Kitchen Herbs 5:30 – 7:30. With Everything Herbal of Turkey Tail Farm. Heather Lee, Mojohito & Susan Tchudi. In this workshop, we will show the healing powers of kitchen herbs that you can find at any grocery store or easily grow yourself for free! You will learn yummy recipes to feed your family, and take home an herbal salad vinegar – and a tea mixture you will custom blend yourself. We’ll talk about how herbs strengthen your vitality and health to keep you from having to see the doctor. We will show you how make powerful herbal teas to get rid of cough and cold. CCNV is supported by a 2011 Specialty Crop Block Grant from the California Department of Food & Agriculture awarded to the Chico State University Chico Research Foundation, directed by Dr. Lee Altier. Pre-Registration is required. Priority is given to Income-Eligible participants. Price for Income-Eligible participants: Free. Income-Ineligible participants may sign up for the waiting list: If there is space we will contact you within one week of event. Cost will be $10. Paid day of event at sign-in table. GRUB Cooperative 1525 Dayton Rd. Chico, California For more info: http://cultivatingcommunitynv.org

Sept 7 – Redding: McConnell Arboretum & Botanical Gardens at Turtle Bay: Charlie Rabbit and His Friends 10:30 am. Join us the first Saturday of every month for an interactive program in the Gardens (or Greenhouse when it rains) for children, their siblings, parents and Grandparents. Join Charlie, our adorable jack rabbit puppet, in various gardening activities. Wear your favorite gardening clothes! Presented by Dennis and Sherrill Bambauer. Free with park admission! Meet at the Arboretum & Botanical Gardens Office (1135 Arboretum Drive next to Nursery Greenhouse)

Sept 7 – Redding: Shasta College UCCE FOOD PRESERVING WORKSHOP SERIES #3 Food Dehydration 10 am to 1 PM. Shasta College, Main Campus, 11555 Old Oregon Trail, Room 822 Food Preserving Workshops – Water Bath Canning. Have you ever wondered how to preserve the abundant fruits & vegetables of the season? Have you ever wondered how to preserve chicken and vegetable mix? Then come join us! EARLY REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Registration will be limited to the first 25 people. To register complete and mail this form with your check to 1851 Hartnell Avenue, Redding, CA 96002 or register online at http://ucce.ucdavis.edu/survey/survey.cfm?surveynumber=11045 . You also have the option to pay with your credit or debit card online. Name Telephone # Address City State Zip Please indicate which date(s) you will be attending (cost $15.00 per session). August 9, 2013 August 10, 2013 September 7, 2013 Make your check payable to: The Regents of the University of California

Photo: Winter gardening at its most glistening.

Sept 7 – Chico: Plant Barn and Gifts WORKSHOP: WINTER GARDENING 101 11 am. Always wondered about the wonders of winter gardening? Cool weather crops are the bomb!!! Learn just what to plant and when for a bonus season of food growing. Join us on Saturday Sept 7th at 11 am for all the knowledge you need to eat all winter long. Veggie starts and supplies will be readily available for purchase. Wisdom and whimsy is always free. Call today so we can set aside a chair or a hay bale for you! The Plant Barn 406 Entler Chico CA 95928 345-3121. www.the plantbarn.com

Sept 7 – Chico: Cultivating Community North Valley Workshop: Drying Just About Everything All Year Long 4 – 6 pm. Come learn about different drying methods: sun, electric, and stove. We will talk about how we dry snacks for children, camping / backpacking food, and abundance from the garden. We want to share all we have experimented with over the years. Location: GRUB Cooperative *Enter through McIntosh driveway 1525 Dayton Road CCNV is supported by a 2011 Specialty Crop Block Grant from the California Department of Food & Agriculture awarded to the Chico State University Chico Research Foundation, directed by Dr. Lee Altier. Pre-Registration is required. Priority is given to Income-Eligible participants. Price for Income-Eligible participants: Free. Income-Ineligible participants may sign up for the waiting list: If there is space we will contact you within one week of event. Cost will be $10. Paid day of event at sign-in table. GRUB Cooperative 1525 Dayton Rd. Chico, California For more info: http://cultivatingcommunitynv.org

Sept 8 – Davis: UC Davis Arboretum Design + Launch Flight Derby 12 pm-1 pm, UC Davis Arboretum Gazebo, UC Davis campus. What do birds, bats, butterflies, and seeds have in common with rockets, planes, & spacecraft? Join us at the Arboretum Gazebo to explore all things that fly! We’ll examine the physics of flight and momentum in birds, butterflies, seeds, airplanes, rockets and more. Try your hand at a variety of DIY paper airplane designs, and take part in a fun flight derby. This hands-on, creative family day is co-sponsored by the Davis Art Center. All ages are welcome. For more information, please call (530) 752-4880 or visithttp://arboretum75th.ucdavis.edu/arboretum-design-launch-flight-derby.

Sept 9 – Paradise: Paradise Garden Club Regular Member Meeting & Horticulture/Gardening Program Where: Terry Ashe Recreation Center, 6626 Skyway, Paradise When: 12:30 PM Program: Begins 1:00 PM. Speaker: TBD Topic: TBD General Membership Meeting follows program. Plant Sale, Benefit Drawing, Refreshments. For more info: http://www.paradisegardenclub.org

Sept 11 – Davis: UC Davis Arboretum Walk with Warren: West End Gardens 11 am-1 pm, UC Davis Arboretum Gazebo, UC Davis campus. Join Warren Roberts, the Superintendent Emeritus of the Arboretum and famous storyteller and punster for an always engaging noontime exploration of the UC Davis Arboretum’s west end gardens. The event is free; limited free one hour parking is available along Garrod Drive near the Gazebo or in nearby Visitor Parking Lot 55 where parking can be paid by meter or by purchase of an $8 daily pass. For more information and directions, please call (530) 752-4880 or visit http://arboretum75th.ucdavis.edu/walk-with-warren-west-end-gardens.

Sept 13 – Anderson: Anderson Valley Garden Club Monthly Meeting 12 noon – 1 pm, public welcome. Anderson Valley Garden Club meets the 2nd friday of each month at the Anderson City Hall Community Room unless otherwise stated. Meeting begins at noon. For more information call Nancy: 530-365-2014. Fri Jul 12, 2013 12pm – 1pm Anderson City Hall Community Room

Sept 14 – Davis: UC Davis Arboretum Late Summer in the Native Plant Garden 9:30-10:30 am, Buehler Alumni & Visitors Center, UC Davis campus. Tour the Mary Wattis Brown Garden of California Native Plants to see many examples of Arboretum All-Stars, our recommended plants for Valley-wise gardens. The event is free; parking is free and available in the Gateway District Parking Structure on Old Davis Road near the Mondavi Center of Performing Arts. For more information and directions, please call (530) 752-4880 or visit http://arboretum75th.ucdavis.edu/late-summer-in-the-native-plant-garden.

Sept 15 – Chico: Mt. Lassen Chapter of the California Native Plant Society FIELD TRIP: WILLOW LAKE AND TERMINAL GEYSER LASSEN VOLCANIC NATIONAL PARK 7:45 am Meet at Chico Park & Ride’s west lot (Hwys 32/99) in time to leave by 8 am. Wear sturdy shoes, bring lunch, wa- ter sun/insect protection, hiking gear, and money for ride sharing. We will drive east 65 miles to Chester via Hwy 32 and 12 miles over county and Forest Service roads to Willow Lake. The last 9 miles is an unimproved dirt road suitable for 2WD vehicles. Willow Lake, at 5,500’ ele. is a unique body of water called a fen. Mats of floating sphagnum moss support a variety of unique and interest- ing plant forms. They are walkable, but water may enter one’s footwear. From Willow Lake we will hike about 1.6 miles to Terminal Geyser, a thermal area just inside Las- sen Volcanic National Park at 5,840’ele. For information and alternate meeting place call leaders: Gerry Ingco 530-893-5123, Wes Dempsey 530-342-2293. For more information see website at mountlassen.cnps.org

Sept 15 – Chico: Cultivating Community North Valley Workshop: Gardening with Kids; Growing Enthusiasm 3 – 5 pm. Location: Walnut Grove Apartments 1118 Nord Avenue Chico School is back in session and the gardens are beginning to transition into the early autumn season, which is a fun time to explore and work in the garden! This workshop will include lots of hands-on garden activities with kids, including a scavenger hunt to learn plant identification, transplanting, watering and harvesting. CCNV is supported by a 2011 Specialty Crop Block Grant from the California Department of Food & Agriculture awarded to the Chico State University Chico Research Foundation, directed by Dr. Lee Altier. Pre-Registration is required. Priority is given to Income-Eligible participants. Price for Income-Eligible participants: Free. Income-Ineligible participants may sign up for the waiting list: If there is space we will contact you within one week of event. Cost will be $10. Paid day of event at sign-in table. GRUB Cooperative 1525 Dayton Rd. Chico, California For more info: http://cultivatingcommunitynv.org

Sept 16 – Cottonwood: Cottonwood Garden Club Regular Member Meeting 10 – 12 pm. Cottonwood Community Center, 20595 Gas Point Road (behind the little league fields). The meetings are educational and social with a potluck following meetings. Different speakers teach a variety of topics from scarecrow making to attracting birds into your garden. Call 530-347-3852 for more information.

Sept 18 – Chico: Chico Horticultural Society Regular Member Meeting 9:30 am. Refreshments and socializing 9:30 – 10 am, Program 10 – 11 am. Business meeting: 11:15 – 12 noon. Please join us for our monthly meetings and programs to learn more about home gardening and horticulture in Chico, Butte County and beyond. More information, call or email Chico Hort President Carol J: ajcarol@aol.com or 530-345-4824.

Photo:Late summer roses rebounding.

Sept 18 – Redding: Shasta Rose Society Monthly Member Meeting & Program The Society meets each month, with the exception of July, August and December, on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm at Building 4, Room 401 at City of Redding Corporation Yard, 2055 Viking Way, Red- ding, California. The meetings are held for the purpose of presenting an educational program. Admission is free to the general public. For more information: http://shastarosesociety.org/Shasta_Rose_Society/Home.html

Sept 19 – FULL MOON

Sept 19 – Redding: Shasta Chapter CNPS Regular Monthly Meeting & Program with Alison Varty, biology instructor at College of the Siskiyous discussing restoration ecology 7 – 9 pm. Shasta College Health Science & University Programs building, downtown Redding, 1400 Market Street, Community Room 8220 (Southwest corner of Market & Tehama Streets). Chapter business followed by a presentation of a special topic. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend Chapter Meeting. Welcome back to the first meeting after summer! Join us for an evening with Alison Varty, biology instructor at College of the Siskiyous in Weed. Alison has a B.S. degree in biology and environmental studies from the University of Michigan, and a M.S. degree in botany from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. At College of the Siskiyous, Alison teaches courses in biology, and with her emphasis in plant and restoration ecology, has recently started an environmental science program at the college. Alison has been a recipient of one of Shasta Chapter’s Acorn grants and she will tell us about the Learning Landscape project at the college. She will also give us a history of botanical exploration on Mt. Shasta. Meet at 7 PM at the Shasta College Health Science & University Programs building in downtown Redding, 1400 Market Street, Community Room 8220 (clock tower building at the north end of the Market Street Promenade; enter on south side of building). For more info: www.shastacnps.org

Sept 21 – Fair Oaks: Fair Oaks Horticulture Center and Sacramento Master Gardeners Workshop 8:30 – 11:30 am. Workshop – sponsored by the Sacramento Rose Society and Sierra Foothills Rose Society. Learn about incorporating edible trees, shrubs, perennials and annuals into your landscape. Understand worm composting (vermiculture). Hear about water-efficient lawn alternatives. For more information: http://ucanr.org/sites/sacmg/Fair_Oaks_Horticulture_Center/Workshop_Schedule/

Sept 22 – Autumnal Equinox

Sept 24 – Chico: Butte Rose Society Regular Monthly Meeting and Program 7 pm Public Welcome! At the Chico Veterans Memorial Hall on 554 Rio Lindo Ave in Chico, California. Find us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Butte-Rose-Society/189382585776 Or contact us by US Mail at: Butte Rose Society, P. O. Box 8888, Chico, CA 95927For more info: http://www.butte-rosesociety.org

Sept 28 – Chico: Mt. Lassen Chapter of the California Native Plant Society FIELD TRIP: YAHI TRAIL UPPER BIDWELL PARK, CHICO 9 am Meet Meet in Upper Bidwell Park at Parking Lot L (Diversion Dam) at 9 am. Wear sturdy shoes, bring a lunch, water, insect repellant, and sun protection. Hike the scenic Yahi Trail in a majestic canyon with spectacular vistas. We will follow Big Chico Creek where it flows through a diverse selection of scenic natural features. We expect to see and identify a variety of plants and trees and learn about the biology, history and geology of the area. The trail transects grassy rock fields, open oak savanna, slopes and canyon walls covered with trees and shrubs. The trail crosses through shady and moist riparian woodlands in side drainages. Elevation at trail’s end is about 800 feet. We will walk about 2 1⁄2 miles one way or as far as time permits. The first mile of the trail is narrow, has an uneven surface and must be negotiated with care. Leaders: Gerry Ingco, 530-893-5123, Wes Dempsey, 530-342-2293. For more information see website at mountlassen.cnps.org

Photo:Late summer lilies.

Sept 28 – Redding: McConnell Arboretum & Botanical Gardens at Turtle Bay: 7th annual Fall Plant Sale 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Fall is the best time to plant most hardy perennial plants & shrubs in our area. Our fall sale focuses on hardy perennial plants including California natives, grasses, many unusual flowering plants, evergreen ground-covers and shrubs. Free gardening advice will be available throughout the day from Arboretum and Botanical Gardens staff and volunteers. Free admission to the Gardens all day. Member Pre-sale, 9 – 11 a.m. Public Sale, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. Sale includes a 20% discount for the public, and a 30% discount for Turtle Bay members! Meet at West Garden Entrance. Take N. Market Street, turn on Arboretum Drive. Take the right fork. Parking lot and entrance are on the left.

Photo:Late summer lilies.

Sept 28 – Redding: McConnell Arboretum & Botanical Gardens at Turtle Bay: Walk with Horticultural Manager Lisa Endicott 10:30 am. Bring your notebooks and camera! We’ll make our way through the Gardens with frequent stops for discussions about (what else?) plants! Free with Park or Garden admission. Meet at West Garden Entrance. Take N. Market Street, turn on Arboretum Drive. Take the right fork. Parking lot and entrance are on the left.

Sept 28 – Paradise: Paradise Garden Club KIDS GROWING STRONG LEADER WORKSHOP Paradise Garden Club Inc supports the Kids Growing Strong program! This year we’re hosting a Kids Growing Strong Leader Training Workshop on Saturday, September 28th, in Paradise, sponsored by our own Buttes District. The workshop goes from 10:00 a.m. to about 3:00 p.m. at Annie’s Country Café, 5522 Skyway in Paradise. The $15 fee covers training materials and lunch. Become a Certified Kids Growing Strong Leader at this workshop for only $15 more! (You must pass a background check, covered by the additional cost.) Download a printable mail-in registration form here. Our mailing address: P.O. Box 1246, Paradise CA 95967. Please make checks payable to PGCI. Go to the Kids Growing Strong website to register using a credit card here. (Click the green “for Leaders” tab at the top of the page.) While you’re there, do take a minute to explore this official website for much more information on the program and the benefits it offers children, their parents, AND their schools! Late-Breaking News: A few leader-training scholarships are now available! For more information contact Donna Beronda at (530) 877-2432. For more info: http://www.paradisegardenclub.org

Sept 29 – Davis: UC Davis Arboretum Butterfly Ecology Talk & Tour 11 am-12:30 pm, UC Davis Arboretum Wyatt Deck, UC Davis. Join naturalist Steve Daubert and explore the ecological relationship between the flowering plants and the Lepidoptera, and learn how the Arboretum functions as a butterfly preserve. All ages are welcome. The event is free; parking is free and available in Visitor Parking Lot 5 on Old Davis Road and Arboretum Drive. For more information and directions, please call (530) 752-4880 or visit http://arboretum75th.ucdavis.edu/butterfly-ecology-talk-tour.

Follow Jewellgarden.com/In a North State Garden on Facebook – Like us today!

To submit plant/gardening related events/classes to the Jewellgarden.com on-line Calendar of Regional Gardening Events, send the pertinent information to me at: Jennifer@jewellgarden.com
Did you know I send out a weekly email with information about upcoming topics and gardening related events? If you would like to be added to the mailing list, send an email to Jennifer@jewellgarden.com.

In a North State Garden is a weekly Northstate Public Radio and web-based program celebrating the art, craft and science of home gardening in Northern California. It is made possible in part by the Gateway Science Museum – Exploring the Natural History of the North State and on the campus of CSU, Chico. In a North State Garden is conceived, written, photographed and hosted by Jennifer Jewell – all rights reserved jewellgarden.com. In a North State Garden airs on Northstate Public Radio Saturday mornings at 7:34 AM Pacific time and Sunday morning at 8:34 AM Pacific time. Podcasts of past shows are available here.

Jennifer Jewell

In a North State Garden is a bi-weekly North State Public Radio and web-based program celebrating the art, craft and science of home gardening in Northern California and made possible in part by the Gateway Science Museum - Exploring the Natural History of the North State and on the campus of CSU, Chico. In a North State Garden is conceived, written, photographed and hosted by Jennifer Jewell - all rights reserved jewellgarden.com. In a North State Garden airs on Northstate Public Radio Saturday morning at 7:34 AM Pacific time and Sunday morning at 8:34 AM Pacific time, two times a month.

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