Michael Wayne Angus
CRIME/INCIDENT: 664 / 187 PC Attempt Homicide
LOCATION: 7015 Hidden Valley Road/Hidden Valley Market
VICTIM: Barnes, Jack Dennis (age 57)
SUSPECT: Angus, Michael Wayne (age 49)
SYNOPSIS: On 07/11/11 deputies from the Shasta County Sheriff’s Office were dispatched to a reported stabbing which occurred at the Hidden Valley Market in Jones Valley, California. The victim, Jack Barnes, was involved in a verbal disturbance with the suspect, Michael Angus, inside the Hidden Valley Market.
The incident turned physical when the suspect, Michael Angus, struck Jack Barnes with his motorcycle helmet in the upper body. A physical altercation ensued, which ultimately ended when Michael Angus stabbed Jack Barnes in the chest with a fixed blade knife.
Jack Barnes drove from the Hidden Valley Market to his residence located nearby. Jack Barnes was taken from his residence by ambulance to a local hospital for treatment. Jack Barnes was treated for a non life-threatening yet very serious chest wound and was listed in fair condition Monday.
The suspect, Michael Angus, was located at a residence on Elk Trail East and taken into custody on suspicion of 664/187 PC (attempted murder).
More information will be released at the completion of the investigation.