Water Mains Flushing in Enterprise, Cascade Areas

What: In order to improve the water quality in the Enterprise and Cascade area water distribution system, city personnel will be flushing City of Redding water mains at fire hydrants within the following boundaries:

Tuesday, April 26 – South Enterprise Area
All areas south of Hartnell Avenue from the Sacramento River to the east City limits.

Wednesday, April 27 – North Enterprise Area
All areas north of Hartnell Avenue to the Bella Vista Water District boundaries and bordering on the west from the Sacramento River to the east City limits.

Thursday, April 28 – Cascade Area
All areas south of the railroad underpass on South Market Street to Redding Ranchettes or the city limits. East to the Sacramento River and west to Cedars Road, including Westwood Manor, Kenyon Drive, Branstetter Lane, and Clear Creek Road.

Friday, April 29 – Spot Flushing, Various Locations
Spot flushing of specific neighborhoods may be performed. Affected customers will be notified in person, targeted mailing, phone calls, and/or door hangers.

The flushing will be done between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. to remove sediment, which builds up in the water mains. The flushing process helps reduce problems we may experience with taste, odor, and discoloration of the water. Flushing to remove mineral sediments is a normal maintenance activity that is necessary to provide quality water to our customers that are served by well water.

Customers in the areas to be flushed are advised they should curtail water usage during our flushing operations, as the water may be discolored for a short period of time. If any rust stains occur, products such as “Iron-Out,” “Red-B-Gone,” or “Rit Rust Remover” can be used to remove them. Heat and chlorine bleach can set the rust stains and make them difficult to remove.

Water Utility personnel will keep the flushing to a minimum to conserve water.

Contact Mike Sybert at 224-6033, Conrad Tona at 225-4475, or the main office at 224-6068 for further information or questions, or visit our website at http://www.ci.redding.ca.us/water/index.html.

-from press release

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Press Release

-from press release