Nominees Wanted: Who’s Building Youth Assets?


The Asset in Action Partnership of Shasta County is pleased to announce the fourth annual Celebration of Assets will be held on Friday, May 7, 2010 at Win-River Event Center in Redding. Doors open at 7:15 am and breakfast will be served for a donation of $12.

The program will include awards for five community members that have developed assets in area youth. One recipient will receive the Linda McBride award for lifetime achievement. Prior Linda McBride Award winners include: Linda McBride (2007), Charlie Menoher (2008) and John Barry (2009).

Our community can build assets in youth by assuring that caring adults provide meaningful activities with positive expectations.
The Partnership is seeking nominations for individuals who have contributed significantly to asset development for Shasta County youth. Nomination forms are available from the Health Improvement Partnership (HIP), by calling 530-225-8528 or e-mailing

The deadline for nominations to be submitted is April 9, 2010. Completed nomination forms can be faxed to 530-244-5210, e-mailed to, or dropped off at the HIP office located at 11105 Rhyolite Drive, Suite 1, Redding, CA 96003.
The Search Institute’s 40 Developmental Assets® are concrete, common sense, positive experiences and qualities essential to raising successful young people. These assets have the power during critical adolescent years to influence choices young people make and help them become caring, responsible adults.

The Assets in Action Partnership is a group of adults and youth who have come together to highlight how building assets in our infants to 18-year-olds helps better prepare them for adulthood. The Partnership’s Action Teams address the areas of 0-5 (Years), Business, Education, Faith, Government, Law Enforcement, Media and Youth. Each Action Team works within its scope of influence to help Shasta County make changes that will affect youth positively.

Forms for nomination and breakfast tickets are available by e-mailing, or by calling 530-225-8528 or 530-244-7194.

For more information on Developmental Assets, please visit