Vaccines for seasonal flu are now available in Shasta County, and the county Public Health department urges all residents to get the shots.
The vaccine for the H1N1 virus or “swine” flu will become available in mid-October, and at first will be reserved for those most at risk from swine flu.
The usual annual vaccine for seasonal flu is available everywhere, including local pharmacies and supermarkets. Call your doctor or click here for more information about where to get flu vaccines in Shasta County.
The seasonal flu shot is recommended for everyone, but especially for those at risk of developing complications from the flu: People over 50, children, pregnant women and anyone with a chronic medical condition like diabetes or asthma.
The swine flu vaccine, when it arrives, will at first go to high-risk populations and health-care workers. Check with your doctor about availability or watch for updates here in the Corner Booth. For more information about swine flu, click here.
Health officials also remind everyone to take the one precaution known to help prevent the spread of the flu: Wash your hands thoroughly and frequently. Touching your face with tainted hands is the quickest way to catch the flu.
- Down in Red Bluff, they’ve got the West Coast Monster Truck Nationals this weekend. A great way to kick off the event is the Monster Pancake Breakfast on Saturday at the Tehama District Fairgrounds. The breakfast, offered from 8 a.m. until 11 a.m., costs $5 per person. Monster trucks will be on display. The pancake breakfast is a fundraiser for the Tehama County Mentoring Program. For more info about that award-winning program, click here.
- Yes, it was just a grocery list and it was a quick scribble, but refried bears is funny, I don’t care who you are.
- Mark Your Calendar for Saturday, Oct. 10, when award-winning journalist and author Nora Profit speaks to Writers Forum in the community room at the Redding Library, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. She’ll talk on “Writing Mistakes That Keep Writers From Getting Published.” Free and open to the public.
- I’m doing an author event myself this Saturday at the Barnes & Noble Bookstore in Redding. They’ve asked me to sign books and meet readers at 1 p.m. Please stop by so I don’t look like a dork, sitting at a table by myself.
- As I was putting the groceries away yesterday, I came across a day-glo orange sticker off a loaf of bread. It said SPECIAL. I was feeling pretty special, so I slapped the sticker on my black shirt and went around the house that way for an hour, cracking wise about how special I am. Until I realized that the size and placement of the round orange sticker made it look like I had a radioactive nipple. And, yes, before you ask, Radioactive Nipple would be a terrific name for a rock band.
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