State Approves Acquisition of New Redding Courthouse Site

The State Public Works Board (SPWB) today approved the acquisition of a site in Redding for the new courthouse for the Superior Court of Shasta County. The site is approximately two acres at Oregon and Yuba Streets, less than a… Continue Reading


Meeting Monday on Downtown Courthouse Plan, Old Trees

What: A public meeting will provide information about the current status of the new Redding courthouse project, which is in site acquisition.
When: Monday, May 9, 2011, 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Where: Redding City Hall Community Room, 777 Cypress Ave, Redding, CA

The meeting is intended to address public concerns about the preferred site … Continue Reading


Shasta Memory Bank 4.24.11

The Chamber of Commerce building stood on Yuba Street in Redding, next to the Carnegie Library. The Chamber was organized in 1910 with Dudley Saeltzer as its first president.

Photo courtesy of Shasta Historical Society

The Shasta Historical Society library is open to the public and volunteers are available to assist with research. Hours are 10 a.m. to … Continue Reading


Historic Redding Post Office Gets a Facelift

Longtime Redding resident Larry Liebscher stops each day at the downtown post office on Yuba Street to pick up his mail. About a month ago, he began noticing chips of white surrounding the building. Old paint was being removed. Soon… Continue Reading