BOS 6-11-24: Public Health, Shipping Containers, Lack of Respect from BOS

The regularly scheduled Tuesday morning meeting of the Shasta County Board of Supervisors was called to order at 9:00 a.m. on June 11, 2024. The complete video and agenda are available here. Timestamps are in parentheses.


The Invocation was conducted by Pastor Mike Amundson, Glenburn Community Church. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Supervisor Tim Garman.


Members of the public may comment on any item on the Regular Calendar before or during the Board’s consideration of the item. Members of the public may also address matters scheduled for public hearings at the time such public hearings are opened for comment. Those wishing to participate in public comment for Regular Calendar items must submit a speaker request card to the Clerk of the Board before public comment on the item begins. Each speaker is allocated three minutes to speak. All speaker request cards submitted after public comment for each Regular Calendar item begins will not be heard by the Board.

Board Matters

(4:48) R1 Adopt a resolution which recognizes Health and Human Services Agency Clinical Psychologist III John Mahoney as Shasta County’s Employee of the Month for June 2024.
No Additional General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote

(4:48) Supervisor Mary Rickert: Dr. John Mahoney has a long-standing work history with HHSA portrays a high level of professionalism is always respectful and provides strong patient care in all interactions. Dr. Mahoney is client oriented and assists with severe cases in the adult mental health division. He assesses, tests and determines grave disability within the mentally ill population. He completes assessments for those requiring initial evaluation and re-evaluation for conservatorship as well as evaluates those found incompetent to stand trial. He carries out these duties with kindness, professionalism and thoroughness. Dr. Mahoney coordinates and leads groups responding to clients when they reach out. He has recently worked alongside a nurse practitioner in the children’s division to explore procedures for ADHD medication and monitoring. He created a plan with the supervisor to utilize HHSA’s public guardian clinician to perform face to face meetings with conserved clients that are out of the area. These clients otherwise only have the chance to be seen once a year.

Dr. Mahoney is a role model to those he works with and has trained some of the new clinical psychologists in the behavioral health and social services department. Dr. Mahoney relies on documentation and reporting from the clinical team so he may perform the necessary research and case studies. He assists the department with making educational videos regarding the health insurance Portability and Accountability Act and participates in group activities with his coworkers in the office.

In addition to working at the health and human services office on Breslauer Drive, Dr. Mahoney travels to clients and facilities statewide to assess their mental health functioning as a conserved individual. He also regularly attends court and collaborates with other entities in the system on care including the Public Guardian and County Counsel. Dr. Mahoney demonstrates his ethics daily. When he when on the standing court supporting clients, he is confident beyond a doubt, which is an ethical standard. He speaks respectfully of their most mentally debilitated clients and portrays a calm and pleasant demeanor.

Dr Mahoney has been doing the work of three psychologists for some time and never shows any feelings of stress or being overwhelmed with the level of work that is required of him. He teaches to a very high clinical standard and he has recently supervised and trained four employees in various stages of the psychologist classification. He shares his expertise and knowledge openly and is available for consultation when needed. He also continues to learn and educate himself. For the reasons stated above, the employee recognition committee recommends John Mahoney Clinical Psychologist lll of the Health and Human Services Agency be selected as the Employee of the Month for June 2024. Now, therefore be it resolved that John Mahoney, Clinical  Psychologist lll of the Health and Human Services Agency is hereby named Shasta County Employee of the Month for June 2024.

(8:17) Miguel Rodriguez: I’m a mental health director through the Behavioral Health and Social Services branch.  I wanna let you know, I have been in a mental health field for over 22 years  and I’ve had the pleasure to work alongside many respected psychologists. However, I can stand before you today and confidently report that I have yet to meet a psychologist who’s more caring and devoted to their work as Dr. Mahoney has been over the last 29 years with the County.

Dr. Mahoney is an integral part of the HHS branch and provides services and evaluations to many of our adult mental health clients and is the primary clinical evaluator for clients who are either entering or exiting conservatorship. Dr. Mahoney understands the impact this work has on clients on the client’s well being and their quality of life and force his heart and soul to ensure decisions are made in a clinically sound manner. His clinical work is thorough and ensures that his recommendations are in the absolute best interest of the clients which supports both the client and their families or caregivers. In addition to his daily work and as an expert in the field, Dr. Mahoney has been able to provide mentorship and supervision to clinicians in the children’s and adult services system of care who are in the process of receiving their psychology license. Dr. Mahoney also provides consultation in high risk cases which allows for a more in depth evaluation of clients challenges and needs. Dr. Mahoney also understands the importance of maintaining strong relationships with our county partners and many other agencies throughout California, as this allows for his psychological assessments to include clinical perspectives from multiple sources.

During the past 29 years, Dr. Mahoney has seen many changes in the county system of care, but most importantly in the field of psychology and has accepted every change is an opportunity for growth personally and professionally. Shasta County does not have any other employed psychologists and Dr. Mahoney always carries the caseload of at least three other psychologists and yet somehow he’s able to effectively complete all of his assessments while supporting the entire branch.  I’m honored to have had a chance to work with such an amazing human being in our county is lucky to have such a dedicated public servant. Thank you.

Dr. John Mahoney

(12:14) Dr. John Mahoney: Well, I have a bunch of colleagues over there that  came as a, a cheering session section. It’s wonderful to have you all here. It’s been an honor and a privilege to serve our clients these last 25 years. Mental illness is a huge challenge  and I just feel great being able to be part of helping people overcome it. But obviously I couldn’t do that alone.  The only way I can do what I do is because I’m surrounded by wonderful, amazing colleagues like you folks out there who came to cheer me on this morning and to be recognized like this today just thrills me. So, thank you everyone.

The resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

(14:31) R2 Take the following actions: (1) Receive a legislative update and consider action on specific legislation related to Shasta County’s legislative platform; (2) consider approving a letter to Governor Gavin Newsom requesting the preservation of funding for Graduate Medical Education (Sponsored by Supervisor Rickert); and (3) receive Supervisors’ reports on countywide issues.
No Additional General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote

District 3 Supervisor Mary Rickert

(15:01) Supervisor Mary Rickert, District 3: We had budget hearings all last week. So we were in chambers most of last week. But I did slip out during my lunch break and attended a portion of the law library meeting. And I want to thank  Rich and staff from the auditor’s office for attending that meeting and communicating with that group on how to best work together and be collaborative in their  attempts to you know, get bills paid, etc.

And then you just mentioned that I asked for this letter to be sent  to Speaker Revis, etc. in regards to proposed budget cuts. The May revision includes significant cuts in CalWORKS, foster care and protective services and HHAP, the homeless housing assistant program. And I just want to thank staff for helping me with that. And I also spoke with Sean Tiedgen from SRTA and Troy Bartolomei from Public Works about  some of the various items on our agenda. So that concludes my report.

District 5 Supervisor Chris Kelstrom

District 5 Supervisor Chris Kelstrom

(16:03) Supervisor Chris Kelstrom, District 5:  As Supervisor Rickert said we were in budget meetings most of last week. But on Friday morning, I did attend an air pollution meeting with Supervisor Jones. On Saturday I did the VFW breakfast in Anderson. I did not make the Shingletown one but I did attend the VFW and I notified them that they will be getting air conditioning there because of this budget, we set aside money for air conditioning for the VFW.

Then yesterday I met with Resource Management on the Anderson project with  Adam, Leo and Paul. And  then I received a call from  Chief O’Hara and where we set up a meeting so I can  get to know the fellow that’s writing our fire ordinance for Shasta County.  We have a meeting, I think scheduled for Wednesday. And then  last night I attended a Circle of Freedom meeting that ended up basically being a pool party so instead of the meeting and it was one of the members 60 birthday. So we had a  pool party, didn’t get a lot of work done, but we had a good time and that concludes my report.

District 4 Supervisor Patrick Jones

(17:08) Supervisor Patrick Jones, District 4: So most of last week for all of us, the three days of budget hearings took up most of the week. But then on Friday, I did have a Sacramento Valley Basinwide Air Pollution Control meeting. We have those pretty regularly and for folks that aren’t familiar with those,  we discussed things like Basin Wide Control Council, which is BCC. We have a report from the California Air Pollution Control Officers Association, also from CARB,   from CAPCOA Technical Advisory Committee, Smoke Management and coming up in California, there’s gonna be a pretty big push for biomass energy and that should be of interest here to all the counties here in Northern California. And so  we have various meetings coming up, I think the next one will be in Glenn County and then I did have a meeting with the Shasta County Republican Assembly. I’ll be working with them and have been working with them.  We’ll be doing some fundraisers for them coming up shortly and with that, Chair, that ends my report.

District 2 Supervisor Tim Garman

(18:09) Supervisor Tim Garman, District 2:   Not a whole lot this week as we had the budget hearings last week, like was mentioned.  I do want to thank all of our staff once again for the hard work they put into the budget hearings to help us get through that in a somewhat timely manner.  I also want to say congratulations to all the graduates out there. Last week we had the graduations of all sorts. I did meet with Shasta County Chamber of Commerce group. I met with four or five folks. We met, we talked about different strategies and looking at advertising for tourism in Shasta County.  So I still hope at some point this county can jump on board and support the tourism industry because that is going to be and should be one of our biggest sources for money coming into the county. And with that, that concludes my report, Chair.


District 1 Supervisor Kevin Crye

(18:56) Supervisor Kevin Crye, District 1: This past week and again, this is going to run into our board meeting that wrapped up on Thursday as well as what’s on the agenda today. But Supervisor Garman and myself and Director  of Support Services Monica Fugitt did the applicant screening on Friday at 5:00 p.m. We started at five, took about an hour, the supervisor going about an hour and a half, roughly hour and a half. Roughly, we had 39 applicants. We paired that down to 15 applicants were extended invitations to  come either on person or in Zoom starting on Tuesday. The list of who will be interviewing for those positions for that position will be  with the agenda on Thursday.

So at some point when the agenda for next week is posted, that will have all the applicants that have responded to  the interview and that would start Tuesday morning. And then again, Supervisor Garman and I met again  this morning and talked about R5 as we’ve  continued to work on that process, I think it’s super important that process is very transparent and also have as much public engagement in terms of knowing the process for the supervisors because it is an elected position. I do wish it went to an election. I’ve stated that before, but R5, we will wrap all that up today. And then I had some conversations with individuals from the rodeo and I’ve asked  Counsel Larmour to help me understand  what the City of Redding actually is allowed to do and and possibly have the county send a letter in support of what our stance would be in the City of Redding, supporting the rodeo grounds for a long term lease. So that’s something I’ve been working on quite a bit and I’m  sure we’ll have something in a future meeting regarding that. So, with that I do have  some public comment for R2 and again, lastly coffee this Friday at Kaleidoscope on Athens. And so, yes. All right. First up Robert, followed by David Halligan, followed by Christian, followed by Max. Oh, I’m sorry.

(21:18) Counsel Larmour:  Mr. Chairman. Before the comment, there is a section for the CEO  to provide a report.

Supervisor Crye: We skipped CEO Rickert at the very beginning of the outset.

CEO David Rickert

(21:35) CEO Dave Rickert: I got to update my notes from the last meeting and members of the Board of Supervisors gave Rickard County Executive Officer reporting this meeting for legislative agenda. I asked the board of supervisors to consider joining RCRC and a broad coalition of local governments and opposing AB 2557 sponsored by assembly member Liz Ortega.  AB 2557 will jeopardize local services to Shasta citizens by instituting a de facto ban on local government contracting with external service providers. This includes restricting contracts with nonprofits and community-based organizations that provide homeless services, mental health programs, foster care, 911 dispatching emergency response and much more. 2557 creates new burdensome bureaucratic mandates on those that provide these services and to local governments. These requirements also include voluminous  reporting requirements intentionally crafted to prevent local governments from partnering with local service providers.

Also with a quick update on the budget,  Sacramento leaders are hoping to drastically slash funding for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation as the legislation works this week to pass a form of a budget ahead of the June 15 deadline. Prison spending cuts have emerged as a central point of disagreement with the governor and lawmakers. This year Governor Newsom is on board with reducing funding and is proposed an $80.6 million cut for corrections compared to the $1 billion cut being requested by Assembly speaker Robert Revis and Senate Pro Tem Mike Maguire that floated in their legislative plan. We also continue to monitor all possible budget cuts, particularly those that impact social services. And this concludes my report.

(23:45) Public comment on R2 began.  There were six commenters who were overwhelmingly unhappy with how the Board conducts commenting and generally did not trust them to do the right thing, and also called out Supervisor Crye for interrupting them. The remaining commenter said she favors Joanna Francescut to be chosen as ROV.

(24:52) Robert: As far as the ROV goes, it really doesn’t get any more qualified in Shasta County than our current registrar of voters,  Assistant registrar Joanna Francescut.  I just read over her resume and experience and tell me plainly if there’s anyone more qualified and suited to being appointed our registrar through  2026 at which time there will be an election. So, you know, if we have to appoint someone, I also am in agreement that we should have an election and, you know, the election conspirator should be able to put forth whomever they want  and whoever phony candidate they have. But we also have those of us who are rational and sane people on both sides of the aisle, know the great job that Joanna has done for us. And in spite of what you guys are gonna do, what you’re gonna do anyway, it doesn’t matter what I say, it doesn’t matter what anybody says because you really don’t care. Either you put earmuffs on or you disenfranchise us and stick us at the end of the two o’clock session.

(32:51) Dawn Duckett: We don’t pay you to go to fundraisers. We pay you to coordinate with department heads on countywide issues and go to meetings and educate yourself so that you can make informed decisions here in this meeting. Also, you know, regarding the Friday coffees, that’s probably not an appropriate item for board reports because there’s really no issues coming out of those Friday meetings that are being brought forward other than, you know, Mister Crye, preaching to his group. [Leaning in toward the dais] Excuse me, Mister Crye. I’m speaking and this is my time for the board to pay attention.  Anyway, so I just wanted to say that these meetings are running long enough and we don’t need to hear about judging chili cook offs or ribbon cuttings or going to events. You should be doing those. Anyway, we want to hear about Countywide specific issues, not specific constituents or developers. We want to know that you’re working for the county as a whole.

R2 passed by unanimous vote.


(39:42) R3 Receive a biennial report from County Health Officer on the Blood-Borne Disease Prevention Project.
No General Fund Impact
No Vote

R4 Receive an update from the County Health Officer regarding public health program activities (Sponsored by Supervisors Garman and Rickert).
No General Fund Impact
No Vote

Dr. James Mu

Public Health Officer Dr. James Mu made the presentations.

Dr. Mu: “In Shasta County, majority of the needles and syringes are used for medical purpose such as injection of insulin for diabetic patients. But small portion of needles are used for injection drug users. And  unfortunately, some of these needles will end up in public spaces like landfills, parks and sidewalks. And  some of these injection drug users tend to reuse these contaminated needles which could cause hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV, as well as other injection site infections. So cost of contaminated syringe of needles besides human costs, in terms of monetary cost, a person who has HIV or AIDS could cost over $400,000 in their lifetime. In terms of medical cost, annual cost of treating one person with Hepatitis B or C could be over $60,000. A liver transplant for someone who has chronic hepatitis and end up having end-stage liver disease could cost over $800,000. And overall in the United States, the hospitalization related to drug usage is averaging $700 million.

The cities that have these programs have tend to have less  contaminated needles in parks and sidewalks and also less exposure for the law enforcement in terms of accidental needle sticks.  Studies have shown that having these programs does not increase in crimes. And for the drug users, they’re more likely to stop using the drugs and they’re less likely to overdose and  it also helps reduce infectious disease such as HIV and hepatitis B and C. So the  participants in these programs are more likely to have hepatitis A and B vaccination. They’re more likely to test for HIV and hepatitis C for which we do not have any vaccination, but we do have early treatments. They’re more likely to treat  to seek medical mental health and drug treatment and  they are less likely to overdose and they also are more likely to seek STD treatment and education as well.”

Dr. Mu  went on to say Shasta County has had a reduction in the number of sharps collected and dispensed. “One of the reasons why we have reduction in terms of sharps collected and dispensed out is changing of drug users’ behavior. They tend to use more combination of drugs with fentanyl and maybe methamphetamine or cocaine. And they also change the delivery system from injection to more of a smoking of fentanyl.”

The Board asked Dr. Mu questions about the needle program, attracting physicans to Shasta County, and public health concerns.

There was one public commenters on R3/R4 who spoke about the poor and homeless and hoped that some of the funds redirected from the jail could be used for a program she was promoting.

Support Services

(1:09:20) R5 Receive an update regarding the County Clerk / Registrar of Voters screening and consider providing direction to staff regarding the interview process.
No Additional General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote

Director of Support Services Monica Fugitt presented the update.

(1:10:18) Monica Fugitt: We received 39 applications, 15 remained after the initial screening. And of those 15, they were sent notifications to participate in next week’s interviews and asked to respond by 5:00 p.m. tomorrow to confirm their intent to participate. The names of those who have applied in their applications will be made available later this week and attached to the staff report with the agenda. The application materials and names of those who are not selected to participate in an interview or have withdrawn from the recruitment will not be disclosed.

The Board had a discussion about the interview process, how questions would be presented, selecting candidates who would move forward to the second day of the interview process, and what cannot be asked in an interview setting.

(1:18:52) Public comment on R5 began. There were six commenters, all of whom expressed their doubt about the fairness of the interviews and concern that the Board would select an ROV based on their political bias.

(1:38:09) The Board brought R5 back for their discussion.

R5 was passed 4 to 1 with Supervisor Rickert voting no.

During the Public Comment Open Time period, the public may address the Board on any matter not listed on the agenda that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board of Supervisors. Each speaker is allocated three minutes to speak. Those wishing to participate in Public Comment – Open Time must submit a speaker request card to the Clerk of the Board before the meeting begins. All speaker request cards submitted after the meeting begins will be heard by the Board once all items on the agenda have been considered. Any public comment not heard prior to the 12:00 p.m. recess will be heard after the Board reconvenes from Closed Session and all agenda items have been considered.

There were twelve public commenters. During the fifth commenter, Supervisors Jones and Crye left the dais. Supervisor Kelstrom took over.

(1:57:52) Supervisor Rickert: I was going to ask, I guess you’re assuming – usually doesn’t a chair announce when they’re going to  leave and hand the gavel over to a vice chair? I feel like we are kind of, you know, our captain of the ships just walked out and I don’t know what’s going on.

As Delores Lucero spoke, Supervisor Crye returned. There were five more commenters after that. All commenters were critical of the Board. Most of the speakers noted the lack of respect from the Board toward public commenters.

(2:15:02) Jenny Nowain: Just on a side note, glad to see you’re back from the courtroom, Patrick. I hope we didn’t pay you to go over there.


The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They may be acted upon by the Board at one time without discussion. Any Board member or staff member may request that an item be removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion and consideration. Members of the public will be provided with a single opportunity to comment on one or more items on the Consent Calendar before the Board’s consideration of the Consent Calendar. Those wishing to participate in public comment for the Consent Calendar items must submit a speaker request card to the Clerk of the Board before public comment for the Consent Calendar begins. Each speaker is allocated three minutes to speak. All speaker request cards submitted after public comment for the Consent Calendar begins will not be heard by the Board.

Supervisor Garman pulled item C10 for discussion. The rest of the Consent Calendar was passed by unanimous vote.

(2:19:46) Public comment on C10 began.

County Administrative Office

C1 Approve a renewal lease agreement with Stillwater Properties, LLC, for office space at 1400 and 1550 California Street, Redding.
No General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote

Clerk of the Board

C2 Approve an amendment to the agreement with California Hearing Officers, LLP, for independent hearing officers for a variety of county administrative hearings, which increases maximum compensation and extends the term.
General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote

Health and Human Services Agency-Behavioral Health and Social Services

C3 Approve an agreement with Compassion Pathway Behavioral Health LLC, dba Anderson Creek SRF, for residential mental health treatment services.
No General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote

C4 Approve a retroactive grant agreement with Health Alliance of Northern California for operational support for the Shasta Substance Use Coalition.
No General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote

Health and Human Services Agency-Public Health

C5 Approve the following budget amendments which: (1) Increase revenue by $615,340 and appropriations by $382,394 in the PHA Housing Assistance Admin Budget (BU 593); (2) increase revenue by $91,114 in the Opportunity Center Budget (BU 530); (3) increase appropriations by $18,165 in account 095530 and decrease appropriations by $18,165 in account 034500 in the Social Services Budget (BU 501); (4) increase appropriations by $4,421 in account 095530 and decrease appropriations by $4,421 in account 034800 in the HHSA Administration Budget (BU 502); (5) increase appropriations by $680,862 in the MHSA Adult Services Budget (BU 404) offset by MHSA General Purpose Restricted fund balance; (6) increase revenue by $100,000 and appropriations by $500,000 in the County Indigent Budget (BU 542) offset by a decrease in appropriations of $400,000 in the Reserves for Contingencies Budget (BU 900); (7) increase appropriations by $125 in account 095530 and decrease appropriations by $125 in account 034837 in the Mail Services Administration Budget (BU 930); and (8) increase appropriations by $68,403 in the Facilities Management Administration Budget (BU 955) offset by use of Retained Earnings.
General Fund Impact
4/5 Vote


C6 Approve a renewal agreement with Christine S. Wright, dba Wright Education Services, for counseling programs and services.
No Additional General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote

C7 Approve a renewal revenue agreement with the Gateway Unified High School District for Deputy Probation Officers to serve as Juvenile Prevention Officers at Gateway school campuses.
No Additional General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote

C8 Approve a renewal agreement with Northern Valley Catholic Social Service, Inc., for Participants’ Actions To Housing (PATH) a supportive housing program.
No Additional General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote

Public Works

C9 Approve a retroactive amendment to the agreement with PACE Engineering, Inc., for engineering and construction administration services for the “CSA No. 6-Jones Valley Water System Improvement Project,” Contract No. 610858, which modifies the terms.
General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote

Resource Management

C10 Adopt a resolution of intention to consider amendments to the Shasta County Zoning Plan to increase the number of intermodal shipping containers allowed for permanent storage on parcels which are not designated for industrial or full-time agricultural uses.
No Additional General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote

There were five public commenters on C10, who had mixed opinions on having storage containers on private property and questioned who could get multiple containers and why they would need them.

(2:28:40) Supervisor Kelstrom: Adam, correct me if I’m wrong, Hawes is exempt because they have an ag exemption.

(2:28:40) Adam Fieseler from Resource Management: So if they use them for agricultural purposes, they can obtain an agricultural exemption and that is separate from the haunt cargo containers that they use. Those cargo containers require a temporary building permit that has to be.

Supervisor Kelstrom: So if they wanted ten, they could get ten currently.

Adam Fieseler: There’s a maximum amount that they could do through with an administrative permit based upon their acreage. Currently, they could do no more than three intermodal shipping containers on lots five gross acres or greater but less than 10 on par because they own multiple parcels. That’s why I’m going through the different. So no more than four intermodal shipping containers  are allowed on lots 10 gross acres or greater. That is the proposal. So they on lots that are larger, they could do up to four currently.

There was a Board discussion about the containers. C10 passed 3-1 with Supervisor Jones absent and Supervisor Rickert voting no.


Clerk of the Board

(2:42:16) R6 Appoint Margaret Hansen to the Shasta County Elections Commission to serve the remainder of the term to January 4, 2027.
No Additional General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote

There were four public commenters on R6, all of whom disagreed with having the Elections Commission at all. R6 passed 3-1 with Supervisor Jones absent and Supervisor Rickert voting no.

Public Works

(3:01:21) R7 Introduce and waive the reading of “An Ordinance of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Shasta Amending Ordinance No. 645 to Suspend the Collection of Traffic Impact Fees.”
No General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote

Supervisor Jones rejoined the Board. Troy Bartolomei made the presentation.  There was one public commenter. R7 passed 4-1 with Supervisor Rickert casting a no vote.


A court challenge to action taken by the Board of Supervisors on any project or decision may be limited to only those issues raised during the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Board of Supervisors during, or prior to, the scheduled public hearing.

Public Works

(3:11:44) R8 Take the following actions regarding rural transit operations in the unincorporated County: (1) Conduct a public hearing; (2) approve an evergreen Memorandum of Understanding with the Redding Area Bus Authority (RABA) which sets forth the terms and conditions authorizing RABA to assume the role of rural transit provider in the unincorporated County; and (3) adopt a resolution which finds that the County’s two transit vehicles are no longer necessary for County purposes and designates authority to transfer ownership of the two transit vehicles to RABA in accordance with Shasta County Administrative Policy, Section 5-201, “Disposition of Surplus Property,” and California Government
Code Section 25365.
No General Fund Impact
4/5 Vote

John Heath from Public Works made the presentation. R8 passed unanimously.

(3:19:26) There was one speaker in open public comment who spoke about the budget.

(3:23:20) ADJOURN

Barbara Rice

Barbara Rice is anewscafe.com's administrative assistant. She grew up in Igo listening to the devil's music, hearing tales of WWII, and reading James Thurber and Mad Magazine while dreaming of travel to exotic lands. She graduated from Shasta High School, Shasta College, and San Francisco State University. After too many blistering Sacramento Valley summers, she's traded it all for the ocean breezes of Humboldt County. She's been told she's a bad influence and that makes her very happy. She tweets, travels, and spoils cats. There's a dance in the old dame yet.

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