3/19/24 BOS Meeting: Women Veterans, Textual Harassment, Hot Mic Captures Jones’ Cruel Comment

(3:49) The regular Tuesday morning meeting of the Shasta County Board of Supervisors was called to order at 9 a.m. March 19, 2024. The complete agenda and video can be found here. Timestamps are in parentheses.


The invocation was conducted by Pastor Paul Schmidt, Liberty Hill Christian Church.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Supervisor Tim Garman.


Members of the public may comment on any item on the Regular Calendar before or during the Board’s consideration of the item. Members of the public may also address matters scheduled for public hearings at the time such public hearings are opened for comment. Each speaker is allocated three minutes to speak.

Board Matters

R2 Receive a legislative update and consider action on specific legislation related to Shasta County’s legislative platform and receive Supervisors’ reports on countywide issues.
No Additional General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote

Shasta County CEO David Rickert. Photo by Mike Chapman.

(10:42) CEO Dave Rickert: “I would first like to highlight an update on state issues. The bill I’d like to highlight today is AB 2561. This will require all agencies with bargaining units that have a vacancy of more than 10% over a 180-day period to develop and administer a plan to reduce vacancy rates over the subsequent 180 days. The problem with this is it actually adds no added value to employees. It creates an administrative burden and it creates additional cost to the county.

So I’ll come back later with a request to one of the supervisors to sponsor opposition to that bill.

I want to give you an update on some county issues coming up. I apologize but we are going to have the code of conduct, not this meeting, but it will be the March 26 meeting for review and consideration by this board. We will have two versions of the Board of Supervisors code of conduct and a subsequent employee code of conduct for consideration by the board.

And finally, we are going to have in preparation for the California Workplace Violence Prevention Plan law which takes effect in July. We are going to have an open session training on that bill for the board of supervisors in an open board meeting and the public will be welcome to be there. We are moving forward with our SB2 requirements. There are a number of initiatives taken by our task force to analyze that. One of the directives we’re looking for will come back at a later date is we’re going to request and bring forth a budgetary item to bring a consultant in to make sure we address all the specific training issues related to the SB2 initiative and to ensure that all our policies and procedures are compliant in order to minimize any potential risk on behalf of the county.

Moving on to the jail update. I did meet with Pat Minturn. I am planning to meet with Matt Pontes, I believe this Friday, and we are moving forward with that issue. The board also should note that we do not have our occupancy permit yet and we cannot act on the old courthouse until 120 days thereafter. So we are looking into that to see if we can’t somehow expedite that process and that concludes my report.”

District 3 Supervisor Mary Rickert

(13:18) Supervisor Mary Rickert, District 3: “I attended the SHARC meetings, just a health assessment redesign collaborative. Todd Smith from Mercy Medical reported that there was an assessment done and it looks as though as far as Shasta County, we are short –  and this is primary care physicians only – that we’re short about 60 which is kind of a crisis for our county. So that’s something that we need to really focus on and to try and attract qualified physicians to come to our county.

I attended the Mental Health Alcohol Drug Advisory Board meeting.  We had a presentation on Care Court and that’s going to be coming to Shasta County. It was really informative and I think that as a board, we need to have more information on that.  I’ve asked that we follow up with a presentation here at the board level.

We also had a presentation by the Roughout Ranch and how it can be used for therapy for kids. I’m a firm believer in getting kids outdoors and especially around animals, livestock. So I really enjoyed that particular presentation.

I attended Restart Redding, addressing drug addiction, at Simpson College. And that was eye opening. I think that we need to spend more time on this particular subject. As of right now, we have an average of 48 deaths per 100,000 of our population in Shasta County to drug overdose. That’s 48. And then you add another where 180,000, we’re talking 70 deaths a year and we are not hearing enough about that. This county is in a crisis.  I did run into former County Counsel Jim Ross the other day and I just wanted to make a public announcement of in terms of how much I appreciate all the efforts he made when we worked on the opioid settlement and he had another attorney with him originally from Mendocino County and he reiterated that Jim Ross was the leader in the state in terms of getting that settlement, the county organized and that settlement taken care of for us. And so as a result, we received millions of dollars to that comes into this county. So I just want to give credit where credit is due.

“I attended in McArthur  the Firemen’s Carnival. It was a really great turnout. I’ve been talking to members of the various groups up there in terms of the Volunteer Fire Department. It looks like they’re working some things out. And so I’m very optimistic that they’re going to get their problems solved.

Attended the PSA. It’s the Area Agency on Aging yesterday, the funding is going down for senior food and the number of seniors is increasing. So there’s disproportionate issue that we will see  probably develop into a serious problem. The COVID funding that had been helpful will cease into September. So I’m concerned about that.

Yesterday I spoke with Resource Management director Paul Hellman about the application process for the PACE committee that’s going to be formed. They’re going to be working with, I think, Stephanie Blankenship and trying to figure out which kind of application that needs to be used. So I’m excited that we’re making some progress with that.

And also I just want to thank Stuart from staff and their basically research on Senate Bill 1249. It’s about the state may be changing how that is organized and how it works with shifting more power control over taking care of our elderly at a local level. And so we’re concerned about losing funding on that particular issue too. So we’re keeping an eye on that. So that concludes my report.”

Dist. 5 Supervisor Chris Kelstrom

(17:52) Supervisor Chris Kelstom, District 5: “So on Wednesday March 13 I had lunch with a constituent and a couple of businessmen that are planning a huge project in Cottonwood Anderson area. I’m gonna let them go ahead and make it public. I won’t make it public, but it’s  $100 million project that’ll be happening here very shortly.

And then I met with another constituent on Friday on another project that’s going on  in my district. And we were at Resource Management. So a special thanks to Paul, Leo, Adam, and Sean.

And then I had an impromptu meeting with CEO Rickert and Counsel Cox was in there. So thank you, gentlemen for some good advice.

And March 16 I had a Redding School of the Arts fundraising auction. So I was an auctioneer and  it was a great event. They did a phenomenal job putting on a fundraiser. A guy does a lot of fundraisers. Let me tell you, they did a phenomenal job on this one.

And then on, speaking of phenomenal on March 17th, Saint Patrick’s Day, I went to Pioneer Pizza in Shingletown. I went there last year and as a guy that cooks a lot of corned beef and I’m a pretty darn good cook, let me tell you, Robert Sims knocks it out of the park. He smokes the corned beef. It is amazing. So you guys need to mark your calendars next year because let me tell you, I’ve had good corned beef. It’s the best ever. And that concludes my report.”

District 4 Supervisor Patrick Jones.

(19:06) Supervisor Patrick Jones, District 4: “I had a impromptu meeting with CEO  Rickert. I appreciate him being available.

I had a meeting, airport land use commission and Chair Crye was there as well and I’m gonna allow Chair Crye to kind of elaborate on that because he had a little more input on some of the issues with our airport. Attended an election integrity meeting, which I do almost every week. And those are available here in the county. They’re going on throughout California. Also had a meeting, a Redding Area Bus Authority meeting. We had an oral report from our transit manager on updates regarding the Redding area bus authority activities. And also we had a public hearing to consider the fee schedule. So you might see some fee changes. and there will be no route changes, but there may be fee changes coming  in the future.

And then lastly yesterday, I was able to go down to the ROV’s office and watch the 1% hand tally. And so I wanted to kind of describe a little bit about what I saw there. And so while this election is still going on, the ROV has taken upon themselves to do a 1% hand tally before the contest is over with regards to District 1. So there were two tables set up, and the public could view these two tables, be it about 20 feet away. There was table 1 and table 2. Election officials would come out with roughly about 100 ballots and they would place the 100 ballots on table one and then also 100 on table 2. Two individuals on each table would then separate those ballots and then individually they would count the yes on and the no on the recall of Kevin Crye. On table 1, I could not see the boxes. They were not labeled in a manner that the public could witness what ballots were going and what boxes. So whether it was a yes or a no, an undercounted or under overcount ballot, I couldn’t tell on table two as and again, two groups per table, one half of the table was blocked from view. The other, I could see where the box was clearly labeled. Yes, for Crye recall. No for Crye, undercounted over counted. And so as those batches came in, the first batch came in, they were counted. I couldn’t hear the batch number was inaudible. So I couldn’t tell on the first batch what batch it was. The second batch came in. We did hear a batch number and we did write that batch number down on table two visible to me. I could see that the vote yes and the vote no boxes. Once each person had counted the yes or the nos individually, then they counted each no ballot and each yes ballot in the no ballot. In approximately a three minute span, five ballots were taken out of the no and put into the yes on an individual person. I witnessed that myself. I was there for approximately 38 minutes and that is the only area that I could view correctly because I couldn’t see the information from my viewpoint. So within five minutes, I could see within a few minutes and within 38 minutes on batch number two, on table two, I saw five deliberate errors, which is very concerning in the least. When I took part of the recount for Gary Cadd in 2012, we had three sets of eyes on every ballot every time to eliminate these types of errors. But here when you have individuals counting ballots and putting them in a particular box, you’re going to have a high error ratio. This is not how it’s done. So I was very shocked and concerned with what I saw yesterday. The other issue is that these two tables were far out of view. I could only see what I could see. They had an opportunity to put them up close so that the public could see physically what was happening. And that’s how you have transparent elections is when you take all that away at 20 feet, I can only see a little bit.  So here’s an opportunity, here was a great opportunity from the ROV and keep in mind the ROV and the assistant ROV was not in the room. I was the only elected official in the room at that time. And so that’s what I saw yesterday morning from 9 a.m. to about 9:38 a.m.. It’s concerning and, and to me it casts a shadow on this recount. That’s all I have.”

(23:57) Supervisor Tim Garman, District 2: “Last week I attended the airport land use meeting as an audience member and I will let Supervisor Crye give you update with that. It was kind of interesting to say the least, and confusing. I’m sure you’ll elaborate further.

I also met with Troy Bartolomei and we talked about in French Gulch, Main Street, they’re gonna be replacing some culverts out there that have worn out.  That’s gonna start probably late April early May.  Troy, thank you for the work out there in French Gulch. We also talked about the free trash day we’re trying to get for Old Shasta/Keswick area that’s still waiting for final approval with that. And one last thing is at our meeting next week, we should see an item coming forward about the possibility of a grant for a fire hydrant in Igo-Ono, something I’ve been working on for a long time and and Troy has been very helpful with putting all those pieces together for that. So, looking forward to that item coming next week and that is actually all I’ve got in my board report today.

Other than I told you guys to give you a jail update each week, there’s really nothing more than what CEO Rickard had mentioned until we get occupancy to the old courthouse. It kind of just sitting there and waiting unfortunately  but hopefully soon we’ll get some action on that.”

Shasta County District 1 Supervisor Kevin Crye.

(25:10) Supervisor Kevin Crye, District 1: “Ok. These are all in no particular order.  I met with a small group in Palo Cedro about the appointments and that process. And I’ve encouraged all residents out there or anybody that’s contacted me to first contact Supervisor Rickert and then also Supervisor Kelstrom just about that process because for me personally leaning on those two who District 3 is mostly Supervisor Rickert’s district, some of Supervisor Kelstrom. So I would defer to some of their knowledge about the individual people and quote, unquote what side they’re on or if they’re neutral, et cetera because I think if we’re going to have the committee, we wanted to try and be as supported board wide as possible. So that’s one thing.

Another is I met yesterday with the new Ardent Security staff you see here. We do not have sheriff deputies. This saves our county quite a bit of money by contracting with Ardent Security. So that’s something I brought forward and they are now, here they are armed. They are obviously very tactically capable. And again, what this does is this gives our sheriff’s officers, our sheriff’s office, those deputies for the county jail, whatever else is needed. And we can bring these individuals in. So welcome, gentlemen, thank you.

The last meeting I brought up wanting to bring some stuff at a closed session. As most of you know, and you’ve heard me speak about the wheels of government are slow. So hopefully this next meeting will be bringing something forward where we can start talking about that, giving more access to the public of what truly goes on in this building and around the county.

The airport land use. You’ve heard Supervisor Jones who sits on that board with me and Supervisor Garman attended this board.  I was appointed to it last year when Supervisor Jones was chair and it’s a board that meets once a year. Now our airport is one of, I think the most underutilized assets we have, especially when it comes to tourism in the county. Why this board would only meet once a year perplexed me. So this year when it came forward, we were looking to adopt what the next 20 years would look for. But we were using a study that was from 1984. Granted, I was 8 years old at the time. So I said, so as a board member, I said, so you’re asking us as a board who meets once a year to adopt a plan of 20 years in the future using data that’s 40 years old. I said, tell me how in the world that makes any sense. And so we started calling people up and we’re going to meet a second time, believe it or not. So we’re going to double the amount of meetings and we’re gonna meet in May because I asked the City of Redding and others to bring information back because in the private sector, you would never forecast your company 20 years in the future using 40 year old data. I mean, it’s ludicrous and if, and but this is what happens if people don’t ask questions, it’s just business as usual rubber stamp and we all just go about our way. So I would encourage you to come to the Airport Land Use Commission meeting in, is it May, I believe, and not that there’s going to be fireworks, but let’s actually get something done and that makes this airport better. So that’s one thing.

The last thing I really want to touch on is the whistleblower report. Since in the last two weeks, I’m not sure of the timing, but I’ve had an unreal amount of employees and different people coming forth with whistleblower reports. I want to thank Nolda Short, Monica Fugitt and support services for the work that they’ve done in that process. And really this is, and I if there was a camera to look into wherever the employees see it. But if you’re an employee and you want to bring something forth, you have to you have to know that you’re going to be supported, I would believe by this entire board and making sure that your concerns are heard. And then also if you don’t leave your name, things can’t be investigated. But I appreciate the amount of employees  that are coming forward on some items and the day of reckoning is coming. So, all right, with that, that concludes my report.”

(29:32) R1 Adopt a proclamation which designates March 19, 2024, as “Women Veterans Appreciation Day” in Shasta County.
No Additional General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote

Veterans Service Officr Wesley Tucker made the presentation. He introduced Loretta, a United States Army veteran, and Lois, a United States Marine Corps veteran. He also introduced Veterans Services representative Tori.

” I am honored to stand before you today on Shasta County Women’s Veterans Appreciation Day to pay tribute to the courageous and dedicated women who have served the country with honor and distinction. Women have been an integral part of the armed forces for decades. Yet, their contributions and their sacrifices have gone unrecognized. Today, we gather and we honor and celebrate the women who have served in the military both past and present for their service, sacrifice and commitment to defending our freedoms. Women veterans have faced unique challenges and obstacles throughout their military careers. They’ve broken barriers, shattered stereotypes and have paved the way for future generations of women to serve in the armed forces. These women have shown incredible resilience, strength and determination in the face of adversity and, and they have proven time and time again that they are just as capable and as brave as their male counterparts from serving on the front lines in combat zones to providing critical support and services. Behind the scenes, women veterans have played a vital role in protecting our nation and upholding our values. They have demonstrated unwavering dedication to duty, honor and country and their selfless service has helped to ensure the safety and security at home and abroad.

As we gather here today to honor and celebrate women veterans of Shasta County, let us not forget the sacrifices that they made and the challenges they have overcome in service to our nation. Let us express our gratitude and appreciation for their bravery, their sacrifice and their unwavering commitment to defending our freedoms to all the women veterans in attendance. Today. I want to say thank you, thank you for your service, your sacrifice, and your dedication to our country. Your bravery and courage inspires us all. And we are forever grateful for your contributions to our nation’s defense. In closing, let us remember and honor the women veterans of Shasta County and beyond. And let us pledge to always support and uplift them as their journey and service and sacrifice. Thank you for your service. Thank you for your courage and thank you for your unwavering commitment to defending our freedoms.

Accepting this proclamation today is Molly Watson. Molly is the veteran services officer for the Cal Vet Veterans home here in Redding, California. At 19 years old, she was sent to basic training at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. Then after service tech she reported to her first assignment at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico. From there, she went overseas to Japan for almost five years before returning state side to Colorado Springs, Colorado and working inside the Air Force station there, Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station.  Her final assignment was a service journeyman at Travis Air Force Base in Fairfield, California. She sreached the rank of E 5 tech sergeant while on active duty. After service, her husband’s final assignment in the Air Force led the family to Spangdahlem Air Force Base in Germany where Molly completed her master’s degree in psychology. They returned to Redding in June  2013 for her husband’s retirement from the Air Force in October 2013. Molly accepted the position as veteran service officer with Calvet at the Redding Veterans home.

She has three oak leaf clusters, Air Force achievement ribbons. She has an Air Force Accommodation medal. She’s a small arms expert marksman and she graduated basic training with honors. So, ladies and gentlemen, Molly Watson.”

Molly Watson spoke upon accepting the proclamation. “I’m so honored to be here today to celebrate this proclamation, honoring women veterans in Shasta County. This recognition touches so many across our county who have served our great nation. Additionally, it touches those who know and support women veterans in their lives to include mothers, grandmothers, sisters, aunts, cousins, and more. This women’s history Month of March is a fitting time to honor the service and sacrifice women have made across all the military branches throughout history.

My experiences in the Air Force, like those of my fellow women veterans, are etched into my memories forever. I am so grateful for the opportunities I was given to learn lead, teach and triumph through adversity. I made lifelong friends that are family to me and even met my wonderful husband who’s here with us today who is also an Air Force veteran. Between us, we have over 35 years of service.

I am ever grateful for the many chances I’ve had after service to utilize my skills and abilities that I’ve learned in the military today. I’m in my 10th year serving as the veteran service officer with Calvet at the California Veterans Home of Redding. When I say it’s truly an honor to serve that this is what I mean. My coworkers and I get the distinct privilege of caring for elderly and disabled veterans, many whom many of whom are living out the remainder of their lives within our amazing home.

In closing, I want to express my appreciation on behalf of women veterans across Shasta County for this wonderful way we are honoring their service throughout history. Women have served in greater numbers perhaps none higher than the present. According to the Department of Defense, in 2022 17.5% of military members were women. And while the overall number of the armed forces population has decreased, the percentage of military women has increased slightly.  Thank you for all who have served and to all for joining us today. May our troops always be protected wherever they may serve. Thank you. ”

Supervisor Rickert read the proclamation. “Proclamation, Shasta County Board of Supervisors Women’s Veterans Appreciation Day, March 19th 2024. Whereas the women who have served in the United States armed forces have made significant contributions to the defense of our nation and the preservation of our freedoms. And whereas more than 35,000 women served in World War 1, 350,000 in World War two, more than 1000 in theater in the Korean War and more than 7500 in theater women served throughout the world through during the Vietnam war and another 41,000 in theater, women were deployed during Operation Desert Storm risking their lives. To serve their country. And whereas the sacrifices and dedication of women veterans have often gone unrecognized and unappreciated. And whereas it is important to honor and celebrate the serve of women must be service of women’s veterans and recognize their invaluable contributions to our country. And whereas Shasta County is home to a large population of women veterans who have bravely served our nation in times of peace and conflict. And whereas it is fitting and proper to set aside a day to honor and appreciate the women veterans of Shasta County. Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Shasta County Board of Supervisors hereby proclaims March 19th, 2024 as Women Veterans Appreciation Day in Shasta County, we encourage all residents to take this opportunity to recognize and show appreciation to the women veterans in our community for their service and sacrifice. We call upon all citizens, businesses, schools and organizations to participate in activities and events that honor and celebrate the contributions of women veterans. Let us come together to express our gratitude and support for these brave women who have served our country and with honor and distinction.”

(44:41) There were four public commenters who spoke affirmatively about the resolution.

Jenny O’Connell said, “Thank you to everyone here who has served our country, who have sacrificed in all manners.

But I do have something serious to ask. Where was this honor for Karen Ramstrom, who also was a woman veteran? Where, where, where was this honor when you treated her with such disdain when she served for this county? Where was the honor for the veterans that you lied to, Patrick Jones when you raised, when you lied to them and told them, you told them lies about the new veteran’s hall so that you could seek vengeance on the D A. Where was your honor? When you stole from the Veterans museum, you held a barbecue in their name and then embezzled the money. I hope this country honors their brave and honorable women, their veterans for their sacrifices and their service. But I hope you sit out Patrick because you can only give what you have.”

The resolution was presented and a photograph taken.

(50:28) Patrick Jones leaned over to Kevin Crye and said, “Stupid Jenny says, you know.

Supervisor Jones’s hot mic captures when he calls speaker Jenny O’Connell stupid.

The proclamation was adopted unamimously.

(54:21) R3 Receive a presentation from the Shasta County Film Commissioner regarding the 2023 Upstate California Film Commission Annual Report.
No General Fund Impact
No Vote

The presentation was made by Sabrina Jurisch.

(1:09:21) R4 Receive a presentation from Pacific Gas and Electric regarding efforts to underground electricity transmission lines throughout Shasta County and other local projects (Sponsored by Supervisor Garman).
No General Fund Impact
No Vote

Government Affairs Representative Ayla Tucker and Mike Weaver, Public Safety Specialist, both of PG&E, made the presentation and answered questions.


(1:29:30) During the Public Comment Open Time period, the public may address the Board on any matter not listed on the agenda that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board of Supervisors. Each speaker is allocated three minutes to speak. Any public comment not heard prior to the 12:00 p.m. recess, will be heard after the Board reconvenes from Closed Session and all agenda items have been considered.

There were 19 public commenters. Joe Dokes quoted Supervisor Kelstrom’s texts and added, “These comments are disgusting and violate the county personnel manual to wit, threatening a county employee or harassment. Personnel applicable section 7.2 A, discourteous treatment of public employees or the public 7.2 N conduct, unbecoming honor off duty 22.2 B, prohibited conduct. 22.23 C sexual harassment. While investigations have already started, we respectfully ask CEO Rickert to open an impartial third-party investigation into this hate speech to run concurrently with other investigations. This board and the CEO are tainted and cannot rule on this. It is not protected speech, it is hurtful and harmful and goes to the heart and mind of this supervisor and how they feel about us as citizens. It would be time to say you’re fired.

This supervisor is you, isn’t it, Chris Kelstrom? These are your words, aren’t they? You can try to deny them. But before you do and reply, I might suggest you exercise your constitutional rights not to further incriminate yourself. You have the right to remain silent and anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law, you have the right to have an attorney present before any questioning. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you free of charge. You can exercise these rights at any time. Please resign, Chris, this isn’t going away, and we won’t allow it to be buried in county bureaucracy with a slap on the wrist. There is no room for violent hateful speech in Shasta County.”

Laura Hobbs and Bev Gray said the recount was being done in a suspicious manner. Most of the remaining speakers gave their opinions on the election/voting procedures (unfavorable/suspicious) as well as complaints about various people they didn’t like. One man said all the people with complaints about election fraud needed to prove them or shut up. The rest of the speakers gave their opinions on the Board of Supervisors (largely unfavorable) and general opinions on Shasta County/the United States (generally unfavorable).

(2:15:06) Public comment on R5 and R6 began.
Seven speakers were opposed to the gun range and five were in favor of it. One asked if an EIR had been performed and he was directed to speak to Paul Hellman. Jenny O’Connell spoke about Supervisor Kelstrom’s texts concerning her husband Benjamin Nowain and stated there will be litigation.

(2:43:34) Chair Crye announced that Supervisor Jones would recuse himself from R5.


(2:44:22) BOS returned from closed session. There was no reportable action. The BOS moved to the Consent Calendar.


The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They may be acted upon by the Board at one time without discussion. Any Board member or staff member may request that an item be removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion and consideration. Members of the public may comment on any item on the Consent Calendar before the Board’s consideration of the Consent Calendar. Each speaker is allocated three minutes to speak.

Clerk of the Board

C1 Appoint Marianne Seifert to the Planning and Service Area 2 Area Agency on Aging Advisory Council to serve a four-year term to March 19, 2028.
No Additional General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote

Health and Human Services Agency-Behavioral Health and Social Services

C2 Approve a retroactive Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the California Department of State Hospitals, the California Mental Health Services Authority, and participating counties to purchase state hospital bed use with no maximum compensation and designate authority to execute agreements and amendments, including retroactive, necessary for the MOU.
No General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote

C3 Take the following actions: (1) Approve the Driving-Under-the-Influence (DUI) Program Needs Assessment prepared by the Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA); (2) direct HHSA to conduct a DUI Program review every 5 years; and (3) direct HHSA to notify potential DUI Program providers when criteria are met for a new DUI Program.
No General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote

C4 Take the following actions for the Shasta County Mental Health, Alcohol and Drug Advisory Board: (1) Appoint Matilda Grace to serve the remainder of a three-year term to December 31, 2025; (2) appoint Wesley Tucker, Laurie Hicks and Erin Dooley to serve the remainder of three-year terms to December 31, 2026; (3) reappoint Angel Rocke to serve the remainder of a three-year term to December 31, 2026; and (4) approve an amendment to the Mental Health, Alcohol and Drug Advisory Board Bylaws which modifies terms.
No General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote

C5 Approve an amendment to the agreement with Shasta County Office of Education (SCOE) for administration of the Child Care Bridge Program which increases maximum compensation.
No General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote

C6 Approve a retroactive renewal agreement with BHC Sierra Vista Hospital, Inc., dba Sierra Vista Hospital, for inpatient psychiatric hospitalization services.
No General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote

C7 Approve a retroactive renewal agreement with Sutter Valley Hospitals, dba Sutter Center for Psychiatry, for psychiatric inpatient services.
No General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote

C8 Approve a retroactive amendment to the agreement with Psynergy Programs, Inc., for residential mental health treatment services which modifies the terms.
No General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote

Health and Human Services Agency-Economic Mobility

C9 Approve a retroactive amendment to the agreement with Shasta County Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) for subsidized employment services which increases maximum compensation.
No General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote

C10 Approve a renewal agreement with Humboldt County for the mutual provision of temporary secure detention non-exclusive space for detained youth during an emergency evacuation.
No Additional General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote

Public Works

C11 Find the “2024 Redding Regional Septage Impoundment 1A Cleanout Project,” Contract No. 207601, categorically exempt in conformance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15301, Class 1-Existing
Facilities, approve plans and specifications and direct the Public Works Director to advertise for bids, and authorize opening of bids on or after April 18, 2024, at 11:00 a.m.
No General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote


(2:43:24) The Board of Supervisors will recess to a Closed Session to discuss the following item (estimated 15 minutes):

(Government Code section 54956.9, subdivision (d), paragraph (1)): Case Name(s): Anderson/Millville Residents v. County of Shasta, et al., Patrick Jones, Real Parties in Interest

(Government Code section 54956.9, subdivision (d), paragraph (2)): Significant Exposure to Litigation: Two potential cases

At the conclusion of the Closed Session, reportable action, if any, will be reported in Open Session.

(2:44:25) A motion was made that all items on the Consent Calendar be approved. The motion was approved unanimously.

The meeting was adjourned.

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Barbara Rice

Barbara Rice is anewscafe.com's administrative assistant. She grew up in Igo listening to the devil's music, hearing tales of WWII, and reading James Thurber and Mad Magazine while dreaming of travel to exotic lands. She graduated from Shasta High School, Shasta College, and San Francisco State University. After too many blistering Sacramento Valley summers, she's traded it all for the ocean breezes of Humboldt County. She's been told she's a bad influence and that makes her very happy. She tweets, travels, and spoils cats. There's a dance in the old dame yet.

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