Robb Korinke — Spokesperson for Speak Up Shasta
Publisher’s note: Letters to the Editor posted here are unedited, and solely express their authors’ views, and are unaffiliated with A News Cafe.
Don’t Let the Grinch Steal Strawberry Fields
Just days before the upcoming December 20th Redding City Council meeting, local residents have learned Councilmembers will once again be discussing the Redding Rancheria’s Casino Expansion Project. This is the same Project our City Council unanimously opposed three years ago. Those that have followed this Project since its origins 6 years ago, will hear a similar echo in a last-minute hearing the week of Christmas, when businesses are winding down and families are focused on the holidays. The Rancheria’s very first “scoping meeting” on this Project was ALSO held just days before Christmas, on December 21 st 2016 – presumably in an attempt to lower public awareness and participation. So like Groundhog Day, but on Christmas, Shasta County residents will once again be asked to set aside time with loved ones to trudge to a public meeting to voice opposition to this Project. The timing of Tuesdays Council Meeting aside, nothing has changed in Rancheria’s Project Proposal that would suggest the City Council should even remotely reconsider its strong opposition. The reasons that more than 6,000 residents have petitioned against this Project are as clear as they were 6 years ago.
The Casino Doesn’t Belong at Strawberry Fields

Illustration of the Redding Rancheria’s proposed new casino.
The proposed Project, located just off the Bonnyview Exit on I-5 by the new Costco Round-about, is zoned Agricultural land designated as a Greenway in Redding’s General Plan. The Rancheria may not like it, but that is the way residents in surrounding communities wanted and have conserved it – hence it’s ag-related history and name. This same area is already under substantial development with the arrival of the new Costco, Save Mart, 4 gas stations, 2 hotels, 8 new retail stores, and other planned projects construction. These neighborhoods were not built for the impacts of such a large casino and event center development – which would be the largest building off I-5 between Sacramento and Eugene. The initial “Impact Report” prepared by the federal government said this casino “would generate a significant increase in traffic”, more than 13,500 *NEW* vehicle trips per day. Imagine that on Bonneyview and Bechelli Lane.
The Redding Rancheria Does Not Pay its Fair Share – Taxpayers Can’t Afford a Casino 3
Times Larger that the Current Casino
Tribal Casinos exist on federal lands placed in “trust”. It’s a complicated process, but the bottom line is these lands and businesses are not subject to the state and local taxes the way everyone else is. Those tax dollars are what fund our county and city police, fire, parks and trails, roads and infrastructure, libraries, health and public services. And let’s not forget to mention ALL of our local schools. What does this mean? It means that for three decades the Rancheria has not paid sales taxes, property taxes or hotel (TOT) taxes on their existing casino – and they never will whether the new casino is built or not. Taxpayers of this City have paid all their bills and impacts for long enough.
This is not only unfair, and putting other local businesses at a disadvantage, but it creates a real strain on our local government finances. The Casino wins, taxpayers lose and we can’t afford it. Public health and police services are already suffering.
What is at Stake in this Project?
Our Speak Up Shasta coalition has never opposed the option for the Rancheria to expand Win River in its current place. But as we talk about the potential move, we have to face facts as a city and whole community – the casino will hurt these neighborhoods and the County more broadly are resources are stretched thin.
Public Records show that our local police, fire and emergency responders are routinely called to the existing casino – possibly the largest source of calls for service for law enforcement and medical emergencies (ambulance and fire depts) in the County. Just in the last year we’ve seen thefts, drug arrests, a shooting in broad daylight, an arrest in which a police K9 dog was shot in the casino parking lot and it would only increase with a massive expansion and on the I-5 corridor.
The site at Strawberry Fields threatens salmon and trout fisheries, bald eagles and myriad endangered species habitat. This stretch of river is essential to the survival of Salmon and Steelhead, listed as critical habitat, it is vital to their existence. The Rancheria’s plan does not address the noise and light issues which will dramatically impact these endangered species.
People come from around the world to fish the Sacramento River, tour and enjoy our natural resources, and this project endangers its survival and future. Many other plants and animals have been studied and observed on this site, from deer and geese to native plants and trees.
This Entire Project Runs Right Up Against the Floodplain
There are homes nearby and the impact report does not report the length, location or amount of work to be done to stabilize the riverbank, runoff into our watercourses and tributaries, or how it would affect homes across the river. The ACID Canal runs straight through this area to feed Churn Creek bottom farms, ranches and properties that harvest produce and raise beef to feed our community and beyond. The project plan calls for an open pond to capture runoff from the massive casino, events center, huge commercial development, overnight Semitruck stays and the parking lot that will cover Strawberry Fields. Where will this open pit of polluted water be located, and if it is in the flood plain, how will we be sure it doesn’t spill into and poison our river that waters this state, residential wells and wildlife habitat?
Speak Now, or Forever Hold Your Piece
No one wants to be talking about an expanded casino development at Christmastime, certainly not for a second time in 6 years when nothing has changed. But if Shasta County and City of Redding residents don’t SPEAK UP NOW, we could face yet another reversal in the effort to halt this dangerous Project. Earlier this year, newly elected members of the Board of Supervisors shockingly reversed the County’s opposition. The Rancheria gave over $20,000 to Patrick Henry Jones who led that effort, as well as thousands to Tim Garman, and robustly supported Kevin Crye, Kris Kelstrom and Mike Dacquisto this November.
The Redding City Council should keep its word and opposition to this Project, and we keep faith that our City Council will keep its promise in representing our community and protecting our health, safety and our future. You can help lift your voice and opposition by attending the Council Meeting at City Hall this Tuesday at 6pm, calling City Councilmembers, and sending a letter at ( Speak Up Shasta is a coalition of more than 6,000 Shasta County residents and taxpayers who oppose the effort to relocate the Win River Casino to Strawberry Fields.)