Today’s numbers from Shasta County HHSA.
COVID-19 INCIDENT UPDATE: October 21, 2020
Statistics from October 20, 2020
Total Confirmed Cases: 1,816
Hospitalized in Shasta County: 10
In Isolation: 133
Active Cases: 143
Confirmed Cases Tuesday: 30
Currently in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU): 2
In Quarantine: 383
Released from Isolation to Date: 1,643
Negative Tests Tuesday: 434
Negative Tests to Date: 58,230
Total Tests: 60,046
Deaths: 30
• We had 30 new cases on Tuesday, including 14 men and 16 women. They are:
5 people in their 20s
8 people in their 30s
3 people in their 40s
9 people in their 50s
3 people in their 60s
1 person in their 70s
1 person in their 80s
• We are sorry to have to report a death today. The patient was a man in his 80s.
• The Shasta County Board of Supervisors will hold a special meeting tomorrow (October 22) at 9 a.m. to discuss what options may be available relating to the State’s Blueprint for a Safer Economy and the restrictions imposed through the statewide tier system. The Board will consider information regarding the local impact of the COVID-19 pandemic including economic, financial, and community health considerations and will direct a path forward. Public comment will be received before and during the meeting. The public has a variety of options to share their thoughts, and more information is available on the agenda.
• Interested in helping with local COVID-19 response efforts? Shasta County is accepting volunteers. To register, visit the Emergency Job Matching Site, click “Register as Volunteer” and complete the requested information. Your willingness to serve our community during this emergency is appreciated!