Shasta Chapter California Native Plant Society 2020 Fall Native Plant Sale – Online

Shasta Chapter of CNPS is excited to announce that they will be holding their 2020 Online Fall Native Plant Sale for the public from Tuesday Oct 20 through Thursday October 29.  They have 163 species to choose from!

Due to COVID-19, this year’s native plant sales will be online only.  There will be two Saturdays for customers to come and pick up their orders at an off-site location.   The observance of all COVID-19 protocols is encouraged and appreciated.

The income from the sales supports the Shasta Chapter’s grants and scholarships.  These benefit the public and students while supporting part of the CNPS mission to increase understanding, appreciation, and horticultural use of native plants.

More details about the online plant sale:

A Current Plant Availability List:

Press Release

-from press release