Total Confirmed Cases: 25
Confirmed Cases Today: 0
Total Tests to Date: 803
Total Tests Today: 34
In Isolation: 7
In Quarantine: 48
Total Recovered: 13
Total Deaths: 3
Negative Public / Private Lab Tests: 778
Negative Tests Today: 34
Current Situation:
•Shasta County has no new positive cases today.
•Today, a model was shared that projects the impact of COVID-19 on Shasta County based on different levels of compliance with social distancing measures. The community’s efforts to slow this virus down are working. The stay-at-home order, social distancing, isolation/quarantine, and the relentless work of disease investigators and contact tracing team have kept numbers low. The community has made a lot of sacrifices over the past month, and it needs to be kept up to protect the most at-risk populations, avoid overwhelming hospitals, and prevent deaths.
•More testing is now available in Shasta County. People who are experiencing symptoms of COVID?19 (fever, cough, shortness of breath) should contact their healthcare provider to be tested. Those who don’t have a healthcare provider or are having trouble getting a test should call Shasta County Public Health at (530) 225-5591.
Unified Command Agencies: Shasta County Health and Human Services Agency, CalFire, Shasta County Sheriff
Cooperating Agencies:
City of Redding
City of Anderson
City of Shasta Lake
Mercy Medical Center Redding
Shasta Regional Medical Center
Redding Rancheria Tribal Health Center
Shasta Community Health Center
Mountain Valleys Health Centers
Mayers Memorial Hospital District