Cathy Darling Allen, County Clerk/Registrar of Voters, announces that County Voter
Information Guides being delivered to registered voters contain a printing error in the title of Measure A.
The page number of this error varies by the type of book each voter was mailed; there are 20 varieties. Only the title information is incorrect; the other information in the guide and the official ballots are correct.
The county elections office will be mailing a replacement page to every voter (102,000) in the coming days.
A notice of the correction and the replacement page can be viewed at our website at:
We are very sorry for the error and apologize for any confusion this may have caused.
For further information about voter registration, vote-by-mail voting, or this election, go to or contact the Shasta County Elections Department at 225-5730 located at 1643 Market Street, in the Market Street Promenade