Bill Siemer grew up on a farm in Lassen County, played basketball at Shasta JC, went to Vietnam, became a newspaper reporter and then a lawyer and now considers himself a champion of the story that needs to be told. He lives on the bank of the river and takes pictures.
In reply to Wants To Know. I do believe it is but not 100% sure. It is the corner of California and 299 then extends 1/3 mile. At a cost of 750,000.00.
“Special meetings”, laughably hired consultants, worthless elections commission appointees - Shasta County has become the national poster child for government overreach, cronyistic glut, and squandered resource. Dump Crye. Dump Street. Dump the Election Commission. Put Shasta County back on the road to political. Buncha frickin’ “Ha-Ha Hermans” in charge hereabouts anymore.