“Ladies’ Night” at Sportsman’s Warehouse to Benefit Girls Inc. NSV

On Thursday, March 26, 2015, north state women are invited to shop and win fantastic outdoor adventures, hunting gear and other accessories, while also supporting Girls Incorporated of the Northern Sacramento Valley. Girls Inc. NSV is the honored recipient of the 2nd annual “Ladies Night” event at the Sportsman’s Warehouse store, at 1659 Hilltop Drive in Redding.

“Ladies Night,” running from 3 to 8 p.m., will feature a live band, 5 to 20 percent off all purchases made by women, and a huge raffle that includes:

n  Guided fishing trips

n  Guided turkey hunts

n  A high performance Quest Bliss Bow, specifically designed for women

n  Swarovski Optik binoculars

n  Clothing, and many more items

All proceeds from the raffle, as well as a portion of that night’s sales, will be given to Girls Inc. NSV, a non-profit organization serving girls in Shasta and Tehama counties.

 Girls Inc. NSV’s all-girl empowerment classes and workshops teach girls to nurture their self-esteem, encourage participation in sports and community leadership, and help them recognize and defend themselves against harmful relationships. Girls Inc.’s wide range of programs also teach girls financial literacy, mentor girls as they pursue non-traditional careers, and give girls the tools to respect their bodies and each other.

 Sportsman’s Warehouse is actively involved in enlightening and educating customers through special events, classes, seminars and expert presentations. It strives to provide outdoor enthusiasts with quality merchandise in a friendly, low-key shopping environment.

 WHAT: “Ladies Night” at Sportsman’s Warehouse

WHEN: 3 to 8 p.m., Thursday, March 26, 2015

WHERE: Sportsman’s Warehouse, 1659 Hilltop Drive, Redding

WHY: To support Girls Incorporated of the Northern Sacramento Valley, with 5-20 percent off entire purchases by women, plus an amazing raffle of hunting and camping equipment and fantastic outdoor adventures!

MORE INFO: Call Girls Inc. NSV at (530) 527-7767

 Girls Inc. NSV, founded in 2006, is a non-profit organization providing research-based programs, often in school or after school. Our mission: Inspiring all girls to be Strong, Smart and Bold. 

– Press Release

Press Release

-from press release