Earth, Water, Climate Series Forum

The public is invited to the third “Earth, Water, Climate Series” program on Saturday January 24th, 2015, at 2:00 p.m. in the Redding Library Community Room.

Local community members are presenting the third “Earth, Water, Climate Series” forum on Shasta & Tehama County timber harvest in the Library’s Community Room, 1100 Parkview Ave., Redding, CA. Local concern has stemmed from the 2013 report by the California Natural Resources Agency describing that 25% of the non-federal timberland in Shasta County had been logged in the years 2003-2012. This discussion will focus specifically on timber harvest impacts and regulations in our local area. Presenters are Marily Woodhouse, Director of the rural grassroots group Battle Creek Alliance, and Joe Croteau, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Timberland Conservation Program Manager. Some elements of climate change will be explored.

One perspective of timber harvesting will be presented in the documentary “Clearcut Nation” produced by Battle Creek Alliance. This documentary includes interviews with local botanist Julie Kierstead Nelson, and former logger Randy Compton. Other interviewees include Dr. Tom Myers, hydrologist, Dr. Dennis Odion, fire ecologist, and Monica Bond, wildlife biologist. Local artist Chen Compton drew artwork for the film and local musician Matthew Songmaker provided music. According to some experts, loss of mature forest cover is one of the leading causes of climate change.

Joe Croteau will provide an overview of CDFW’s role in reviewing and monitoring timber harvesting plans (THPs). This will include challenges and priorities for 2015 and beyond. He will also discuss how the public can participate in THP review, and provide a walkthrough of the “ftp” website that contains timber harvesting documents.

The audience is invited to participate in a question and answer period after the presentations.

The Earth Water Climate series is organized by a group of residents of Northern California who work together to create educational forums on a variety of important issues. For more information, please connect with our Facebook page @ Earth Water Climate Series, email or call 530-547-4907.

– Press Release

Press Release

-from press release

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