Parks workers get innovative to fight theft at park restrooms

In response to a recent increase in theft of metal plumbing components in park restrooms, the City of Redding’s Park Maintenance Division has designed and fabricated a protective box to secure the plumbing. The brass valve that is stolen will yield less than $10 as scrap metal, but costs almost $200 to replace in addition to taking restrooms out service. This newly designed ‘sloan valve protector’ will be installed next week and more will be installed, if successful.

Frustrated with the repeated theft of the valves, Parks Gardener Mike Herzog designed the protective box, welders from the Solid Waste Division constructed the prototype, and Totally Trucks of Redding provided the protective coating free of charge in exchange for an advertisement on the product.

Parks Superintendent Paul Anderson stated that the protectors will allow Parks crew to focus their efforts on maintaining the City’s 67 parks, instead of repeatedly replacing the same equipment.

Community Services Advisory Commission Chairman John Wilson, a retired plumber, applauded the Parks Division for their ingenuity, ” This kind of initiative comes from a workforce dedicated to the long term maintenance and enjoyment of our park system. This is just one example of creative and cost-effective solutions employed to keep the City’s parks maintained.”

-from press release

Press Release

-from press release

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