The Chico premiere of Green Fire, the new documentary film about legendary conservationist Aldo Leopold and his legacy, will be held at the Pageant Theatre on Sunday, March 4 at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $10, available at the door.
This special screening is a benefit for Up the Road, a new nonprofit environmental education and public interest media project in Northern California. Green Fire: Aldo Leopold and a Land Ethic for Our Time was recently shown at the Wild & Scenic Film Festival in Nevada City.
Best known as the author of the classic book A Sand County Almanac, Leopold was a U.S. Forest Service pioneer, a hands-on restoration ecologist, and author of the first textbook on wildlife ecology. Leopold also co-founded The Wilderness Society, and is widely considered the father of environmental ethics. Green Fire explains his continuing influence today and details his many contributions to the conservation and modern environmental movements, including his land ethic.
Leopold regarded a land ethic as a product of social evolution. “Nothing so important as an ethic is ever ‘written,’” Leopold believed. Instead it evolves “in the minds of a thinking community.”
Green Fire documents Leopold’s influence on community thinking by exploring projects that connect people and land. Viewers will meet urban children in Chicago growing fresh local food and helping with ecological restoration. They’ll learn about ranchers in Arizona and New Mexico who maintain healthy landscapes by working on their own properties and with their neighbors, in cooperative community conservation efforts. They’ll encounter wildlife biologists bringing back threatened and endangered species, from cranes to Mexican wolves, to the landscapes where they once thrived. Green Fire shows how Leopold’s vision of a community that cares about both people and nature—his call for a land ethic—ties all of these modern conservation stories together and offers inspiration for the future.
For a preview, watch the 13-minute Green Fire trailer online. Learn more about the Aldo Leopold Foundation and the Green Fire movie at The Aldo Leopold Foundation, the U.S. Forest Service, and the Center for Humans and Nature jointly produced Green Fire.
For more information about Up the Road, see
When: Mar 4, 6:30 p.m.
Where: Pageant Theatre, 351 East 6th St, Chico
Cost: $10, tickets available at the door.
-from press release