Free Webinar: New Report on Breast Cancer and the Environment: A Briefing for Advocates

Last month Breast Cancer Action attended the annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS) as patient advocates; the eyes, ears–and mouthpiece–of breast cancer patients. SABCS is an international conference focused on new developments in breast cancer research and treatment.

One of the highly anticipated reports at SABCS was the long-awaited Breast Cancer and the Environment: A Life Course Approach report by Institute of Medicine (IOM).  The report, paid for by Susan G. Komen for the Cure, reviewed the current evidence on breast cancer and the environment and made recommendations on actions that women might take to reduce their risk as well as encouraging further research on this issue.

This January 24th & 25th, join us for a free webinar: New Report on Breast Cancer and the Environment: A Briefing for Advocates featuring Karuna Jaggar, Executive Director of Breast Cancer Action and Tracy Weitz, PhD, MPA, Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences and Director of the Advancing New Standards in Reproductive Health.  The webinar will provide:

· BCAction’s commentary and analysis of the IOM report on breast cancer and the environment

· A summary of where the report got it right and where it missed the mark

· A focus on the limits of individual behavior and the policy changes required to reduce these exposures to toxins that may be contributing to the skyrocketing rates of breast and other cancers

· Review the committee’s recommendations and discuss how advocates can move these recommendations forward

Join us on Tuesday, January 24th or Wednesday, January 25th for this free one-hour webinar to understand the role that advocates can play in turning the tide on the breast cancer epidemic.

Register for Tuesday January 24th, 2012 webinar: 2pm-3pm (Pacific Standard Time)

Register for Wednesday January 25th, 2012 webinar: 10am-11am (Pacific Standard Time)

For your convenience, we are offering the webinar at two different times. Click on the links above to register for the time and day that works for you.


-from press release

Press Release

-from press release