Legendary West Coast Literary Agents to Appear in Redding

Writers Forum has arranged an extraordinary opportunity for North State writers as a way to kick off the New Year. On January 14, 2012, two legendary West Coast literary agents will appear in Redding for an all-day event.  Their presentation will include insights into how agents, editors, and publishers operate, and an offer for writers to pitch their work to this first-rate literary agency.

Writers Forum was founded in 1983 by a group of writers from Redding and Shasta County with a specific mission: to promote writing as an art and as a profession and to support and inspire local writers. The organization still thrives today, and its current board is dedicated to continuing the efforts its founding members began 28 years ago.

With that mission in mind, Writers Forum made a decision to deviate from its usual free monthly two-hour program for this one-time-only special paid event featuring a nationally recognized husband-and-wife team of literary agents from San Francisco.

Michael Larsen and Elizabeth Pomada are members of the Association of Authors’ Representatives and co-directors of the annual San Francisco Writers Conference, which takes place each February at the famed Mark Hopkins Hotel. Their agency has sold fiction and nonfiction to more than 100 publishers. Larsen handles nonfiction; Elizabeth represents memoirs and commercial, literary, genre, and women’s fiction including romance, mysteries, thrillers, and suspense. Their agency also handles the Children’s and YA genre.

At the January 14 event, Larsen and Pomada will touch on key elements of writing success as they discuss the 6 Cs: content, clarity, communication, contentpreneuring, commitment, and celebration. They will offer tips on how writers can construct the perfect pitch and proposal. Winners of the “best pitch contest” in fiction and nonfiction will receive one of Michael Larsen’s autographed books as a prize.

Michael Larsen is the author of How to Get a Literary Agent  and How to Write a Book Proposal. He co-authored Guerrilla Marketing for Writers: 100 Weapons for Selling Your Work. Elizabeth Pomada is the author of Fun Places to go with Children in Northern California.

This special event takes place on Saturday, January 14, 2012, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the All Saints’ Episcopal Church Memorial Hall in Redding.  Details are available at www.writers-forum.net or by email at programs@writers-forum.net

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