On Saturday, January 14, 2012, two legendary West Coast literary agents will appear at an all-day event to be held in Redding, California from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. This event is put on by Writers Forum, a Shasta County organization granted nonprofit status in 1983. It offers area writers a rare opportunity to spend the day with San Francisco literary agents Michael Larsen and Elizabeth Pomada, members of the Association of Authors’ Representatives, who are highly respected literary agents with thirty years in the business.
Larsen and Pomada will spend a humor-filled day with writers, aspiring writers, entrepreneurs, and others wanting to tell their story. Writers who attend this event will gain first-hand insight into how agents, editors, and publishers work. The agents will discuss how to become a successful writer in the digital age. They will explain how writers can develop and refine their work and make a commitment to achieving their writing goals. The last hour of this special all-day event will be devoted to one-on-one sessions with the agents, in which writers can pitch their books and ask questions.
Larsen and Pomada will touch on key elements to writing success as they discuss the 6 Cs: content, clarity, communication, contentpreneuring, commitment, and celebration. They will offer tips on how to construct the perfect pitch and proposal for your project. Winners of the best pitch contest in fiction and nonfiction will receive one of Michael Larsen’s autographed books as a prize.
The Larsen-Pomada Literary Agency has sold fiction and nonfiction to more than 100 publishers. Michael handles non-fiction; Elizabeth represents memoirs and commercial, literary, genre, and women’s fiction including romance, mysteries, thrillers, and suspense. Their agency also handles Children’s and YA.
Michael is author of How to Get a Literary Agent and How to Write a Book Proposal. He co-authored Guerrilla Marketing for Writers: 100 Weapons for Selling Your Work. Elizabeth is the author of Fun Places to go with Children in Northern California.
The cost is $69 for Writers Forum members and $89 for nonmembers. It includes coffee, box lunch, and 20 pages of valuable handouts.
This event and all Writers Forum meetings are held in the Memorial Hall of All Saints Episcopal Church, 2150 Benton Drive, Redding, CA 96003.
For more information, please contact programs@writers-forum.net.
-from press release
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