Anderson to Open Bike Lane with Tuesday Ceremony

What: Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the Highway 273 Anderson Bike Lane
When: 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Where: Corner of Pleasant Hills Drive and Rhonda Road (near the Anderson Marketplace), Anderson, CA 96007

The city of Anderson, Healthy Shasta and Caltrans invite you to join them in celebrating the completion of the Highway 273 Anderson Bike Lane.

Here’s more about the Anderson Bikeway Project, which involved a $620,000 Bicycle Transportation Account state grant, from a May 17 Anderson City Council meeting report:

In the last several years, staff has discussed with the City Council the need to construct a class I and II bike lane along Highway 273 between South Street and Pleasant Hills Drive. This project would not only provide a safe passage for bicyclists and pedestrians traveling to work and shopping in the south end of town, but would significantly improve the appearance of Highway 273 along the west side. The City Council has supported this project in the past and it has been included in the five year capital improvement plan … Read the whole report.

Contact the Anderson City Manager’s Office at 378-6646 for more on the ribbon cutting.

-from press release


Press Release

-from press release